Saturday, April 29, 2023




Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” John 19:26. 27

Among those gathered at the cross watching the crucifixion was Mary, Jesus’ mother. We don’t know how many of His siblings were there, but we know Mary was. By this time Joseph, His father, was probably dead. Jesus looked down from the cross and saw Mary and a disciple who was dear to His heart, John. Instead of focusing on His obvious suffering, Jesus thought of His mother.

Can you imagine the emotional pain she was going through? Jesus was Her son. She had given birth to Him. She had poured her love into Him as He grew up in her home. She knew that many had tried to make life miserable for Him. She knew that many thought He was out of His mJeind for saying the things He did. She knew of His passion for God and had witnessed some of the miracles He had performed. And now, here He was, hanging on a cross, battered, beaten to a pulp, and mocked by most. How her heart must have been grieved.

Jesus looked down at Mary, and felt a deep love for her. He knew that she would need much support and love as things moved forward. He knew that she would need someone to lean on as she dealt with her grief. So, He turned to John and knew that she would be in good hands.

Also, Jesus knew that John would need Mary to lean on as they navigated life without Him in it. Both Mary and John knew that Jesus identified himself as the Messiah, the promised Son of God, the Savior of the world. They would need to figure things out in the days ahead and would be of help to each other.

Family relationships matter to God. He chose to come to earth in a family unit, and when He died, He made sure that Mary was entrusted to a family man. Now, I understand that many families are dysfunctional and leaving is the best option for health of body, mind, and soul. Yet, when a family is stable and supportive, it is important to keep them in your life and not take them for granted. Thank the Lord for them, and strive to provide a good family environment for your children to grow up in.

Friday, April 28, 2023




I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

Jesus died alone for our sins, yet He was not totally alone. He was crucified between two thieves. They were there because their lives warranted it. They were caught and found guilty of crimes deemed worthy of death by the Roman law. Scriptures tells us that they had joined in with those who mocked Jesus, taunting Him to come down off the cross and save himself and everyone else.

Yet, Luke records an encounter one of the thieves had with Jesus as they were dying. Instead of being defiant on his deathbed like the other thief was, He turned to Jesus for mercy. He came to the conclusion in his waning moments of life that Jesus indeed was the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

During the course of their conversation, Jesus looked deep into his soul and assured him that he would be with Jesus in Paradise that very day. Much has been said about his conversion experience. He did not have a chance to “prove” that he was indeed saved. He was not baptized, did not join up with a church, did not have a chance to change his ways, nor was he able to witness to others of his salvation. Yet, Jesus knew his heart. He knew that he had indeed believed in his heart in Jesus and had sought Jesus’ forgiveness for the life he had lived.

What an encouraging lesson for us to learn! Although it never is a good idea to wait until you are on your deathbed to turn to Jesus, as long as there is breath, there is hope. Sometimes people reach out to the Lord at the very last second and are saved. We will be very pleasantly surprised to spend eternity with some we may have given up all hope for.

If you are not ready to die and meet up with God on Judgment Day, don’t be foolish and assume you will have opportunity to do so before you die. No one is guaranteed a deathbed opportunity. Death is but one breath away for all of us. The moment you are in may be your last moment on earth. Can you say with absolute confidence that Jesus is your Savior today? If not, you will never have a better opportunity than right now to confess your sins to Him and ask Him to forgive you.

If you know someone who needs Jesus in their life right now, why not pause and ask the Lord to convict them of their sins?

Thursday, April 27, 2023




The Gospel writers recorded different things Jesus said at Calvary that we learn from today. May the Spirit challenge us as we consider them today.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

Jesus asked God to forgive those who were driving nail into His hands and feet to put Him on the cross. Is there someone who has hurt you so badly that you just won’t forgive them? Instead of compassion for them, do you have bitter, even hatred towards them? Do you find yourself unable to even see them or think about them without negative feelings gripping your heart? Have your feelings about them affected your living? If so, I would challenge you to think about what Jesus did.

Jesus, though God in Spirit, was human in the flesh. He had been beaten to a pulp by the very ones who were nailing Him to the cross. His body was battered to the point where He was scarcely recognizable. A crown of thorns was on His head, jammed in tight causing His head to ooze blood. He was already in enormous pain and now the nails. If anyone had a just cause to hate, it was Jesus. But, He would not, He could not? Why? Because of His love for them. He was more concerned about their souls than He . was His pain.

Harboring unforgiveness can so embitter the soul that it can cause the body to suffer. Emotional pain is very real, but if we won’t let it go, it can ruin one’s ability to live life peacefully. It can keep us from enjoying the life we have. It robs us of fellowshp with God and others. It keeps us from hearing from God when we pray.

How can we possibly forgive someone who has treated us so badly? How can we forgive those who have hurt us, scarred us for life? On our own, we can’t. But, when we give our bitterness, hatred, and hurts over to the Lord, He can. In place of our negative feelings, He can give us hearts full of compassion for them. It doesn’t always come easily. We sometimes have to keep asking the Lord to give us forgiving hearts, but if we don’t give up and keep on asking, we will discover that our hearts do change. If we are willing to be changed, change will happen.

Freedom from bitterness and hatred begins and ends at Calvary. Fix your gaze upon Christ who died to set us free. May our Lord’s prayer be our prayer, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” If we won’t forgive others, the Lord won’t forgive us for our sins.

Father, please take away our feelings of bitterness and hatred. Please give us in their place a genuine forgiving heart. We know it won’t be easy to let these things go, but, Lord, you made it possible for us to do when you died on the cross for our sins. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Wednesday, April 26, 2023




Isaiah 9:6; Acts 1:11; etc.

All throughout the Scriptures, God made very clear that Jesus, the promised Messiah would come to set His children free. No one well-versed in the Scriptures could miss the message if their hearts were open to the Lord. After the resurrection two disciples were walking on the road to Emmaus discussing the recent events of the past couple of days when Jesus suddenly appeared and walked with them. They did not recognize Him as the Lord and He began to show them through the Scriptures that He was indeed the promised Messiah who came to set people free. Luke 24:13-35

Although there was much confusion about Jesus’ coming as the Messiah, Jesus slowly made it clear to His disciples that He came to set us free from our sins, not political powers that rule over us.

The Scriptures also make it clear that Jesus is coming again. God makes it clear that Jesus is coming back to take the true church out of this world home to heaven. The New Testament writers believed in it so strongly that they were looking for Him to come during their lifetime. Although Jesus still has not come in fulfillment of their predictions, He is coming. As we read the Scriptures and observe what is happening in the world around us, I believe it’s going to be very soon.

God always keeps His word. He would not have told us that it was going to happen if it weren’t. Although we often wonder why it hasn’t happened it, I believe that it’s because there are still souls to be saved, and the Lord wants to give all the people He can opportunity to be saved. Peter reminds us that God is not willing that anyone would perish, but that all would come to a saving knowledge of Him.

God is doing everything He can to give us opportunity to be ready for Christ’s return. He makes it clear that only those who are righteous and holy before Him will be taken home to heaven. He admonishes us to be personally ready at all times and to tell as many others as we can to get ready. Whether we are alive on earth at the time of His coming or not we don’t know, but if we are living in Christ as long as we have breath, we will be ushered into heaven with the church when He comes.

What we must never forget is that death, or the Lord’s coming, is but a breath away for all of us. We have no guarantees about life on earth. We will be here only as long as God permits it. We dare not assume anything about our lives. Now is the day, now is the time, of our salvation.

Are you ready for the Lord’s return? Are you certain you are ready to die? All who aren’t will spend eternity in hell when they take their last breath on earth.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023




Matt. 21:1-11

People say all sorts of things about Jesus. Some things people say are true, some are half-truths, and some are outright lies. The only reliable source for knowing what is true about Jesus is what the Bible declares. And in order to know what the Bible declares, one must read the whole Bible and study it to understand it. People distort what the Bible declares when only select passages are declared.

We notice in our text for today the proclamation of Jesus. 10 Jesus entered into Jerusalem. He did it with one purpose in mind, to become our sacrificial lamb. He had told the disciples upon several occasions that it was going to happen. For centuries God had made it clear through the prophets that the Messiah would come and die a cruel death for our sins. Isaiah 53 Before the world was ever created, God had drawn up salvation’s plan. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing and what was going to happen to Him in Jerusalem at the hands of the Jewish leaders.

Jesus entered into Jerusalem to destroy Satan’s power over us, and restore us to God. Every since the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan ruled the world and over the hearts of man. All throughout history, people constantly rebelled against God and fell into sin. No matter how many times God rescued His people, they would fall prey to Satan’s ways. Man was helpless to help himself to stop sinning, He needed a Savior.

We also see in our text the puzzlement of the masses. “Who is this?” they wanted to know. Even though Jesus had made it very clear who He was both verbally and through what He did, people still did not get it. Much like today, some refused to believe He was indeed God in the flesh, the promised Messiah. It is a question that must be asked and answered by everyone, “Who is Jesus?” How one answers the question impacts not only how they live their lives, but where they will spend eternity.

We also see the proclamation of His followers, “This is Jesus.” Can you say with absolute conviction that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you know it in your heart? Does the awareness that Jesus is the Son of God thrill your soul? Can you say that He is alive today seated at God’s right hand and is coming again? T

The world desperately needs people who are not afraid or ashamed to proclaim that Jesus is Savior and Lord of life. People need to hear about Jesus before it is too late for their souls. People need to know that there is yet hope for them and the world. People need to know that without Jesus in their hearts, they will die in their sins and spend eternity in hell. Shout it out so all can hear, “This is Jesus, the Son of God. The Savior of the world.”

Monday, April 24, 2023




Matt. 21:1-11

When we look at verses 8-9 in our text for today, I notice the King’s procession. Have you ever thought about the crowd that had gathered that day to escort Jesus into Jerusalem? Although our text does not tell us, I suspect that there was a variety of people there for a variety of reasons.

Some were there because they were eyewitnesses to the many miracles Jesus had done. He did during His brief time on earth things that no one else could do. He healed the sick, caused the blind to see and the deaf to hear, He cast out demons, brought people who had died back to life, and restored people back to a right relationship with God. Some were even recipients of His miracles. Some perhaps had come in anticipation of their own miracles. John 11:17,18 Some were there to pay Him homage because they were now believers in Him. Mark 8:17-29 Some were probably just curious onlookers. And some were probably straddling the fence, not sure what to believe about the Lord.

I also notice the size of the crowd. In verse 8 we are told that it was a very large crowd. This was no small event. Jesus always drew a crowd because He pointed people to a new life. He gave people hope in a hopeless world.

We notice the activity of the crowd. There seemed to be a unified effort to payt homage to Christ and to sing praises to Him. It is always good to honor the Lord and praise Him. You don’t have to be with a crowd of people to pay homage to the Lord and praise Him. Every day is a good day to worship the Lord and to give Him praise and thanksgiving.

We also notice the desire of the crowd. They sang out, “Hosanna!” (Save now! Set us free!). People were under Roman rule and life was difficult at best. They were looking for someone to rise up and set them free from their oppressive lives. They were expecting their Messiah to be a political figure who would set us His kingdom on earth. Many believed Jesus was the promised Messiah and now was the time to be set free.

Perhaps you too are looking for a deliverer. Perhaps you have been in bondage to your sins for a long time and are tired of it all. Perhaps you have no reason to hope for a better future or life. Perhaps the evil that surrounds you has gotten you down to the point of despair. Perhaps you see no real reason for why you even exist. If so, I would encourage you to look to Jesus. No, He did not come to right the wrongs in the world; He came to right the wrongs in your heart and life. He came to set you free from the burdens you bear. He came to pour His love, mercy, and grace into your soul and give you peace. Let Jesus into your life today; you will be glad you did.

Sunday, April 23, 2023




Matt. 21:1-11

Jesus was on this way to Jerusalem and was put on a donkey. They, aloug with many others, laid cloaks and palm branches in front of Him and shouted praises to Him. It is a reminder to us that not all praise is genuinely given, for in just a few days, the crowd at His trial demanded that He be crucified.

There are several things we can note about the King’s preparation. One is that they were heading for Jerusalem. It was the religious center of the Jewish nation. It was where Jesus knew He would be crucified. Jesus purposely went to Jerusalem, knowing exactly what awaited Him. How often are we willing to face adversity head on knowing that things may turn ugly against us?

Jesus was well-prepared for what He was about to face. He had often told the disciples what was going to happen. He lived in close communion with God and never wavered in His God-given mission. How often do we stay the course and do what God has given us to do regardless of what the circumstances may be?

Jesus did not fear those who awaited Him. He knew that the religious elite would be looking for Him and would have Him killed when they found Him. Do you fear what others may say to you or about you? Do you fear what others may do to you because of your faith? If your faith is never challenged, how can you say you are following in the footsteps of Jesus?

It’s easy to sing praises to the Lord when we are not under attack. It is easy to sing His praises when we are surrounded by others who are praising Him. But, do we praise Him when it is not so easy? During His trial and crucifixion, Jesus was left all alone. Fear gripped those who claimed to love Him, and they only watched Him from a distance. Peter even denied he even knew the Lord, not once, but three times in a very short span of time.

If we truly love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, and soul, we will stand strong for Him. Don’t let others influence your stand for the Lord. Don’t let the crowd sway you. Stand, even if you have to stand all alone for Him.

Saturday, April 22, 2023




Matt. 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

The cross means a lot of things to people. For those who deny Jesus died on it for our sins, it is an object of scorn and meaningless to their lives. For those who embrace it as the place where Jesus died for our sns, it is the the most important event in all of history.

The cross means a denial of sin. It is meaningless without an acknowledgment of sin. Rom. 3:23 If you deny you have a sin problem, or that sin even exists, the cross means nothing to you. However, sin is the one thing every human being who has ever lived has in common. All of us are by nature sinners, and no one is immune to the consequences of sin. The end result of a life of sin is eternal separation of God, a life spent in the depths of hell.

In order for the cross to mean something to you, you must want to get rid of your sins. You must want a new life free from the filth and ugliness of sin. Gal. 5:19-23. You must want what Jesus came to give you. You must want peace with God. You must want to be loved and accepted by God. You must want a better life, a better version of you than you have ever known.

The cross means a denial of self. Matt. 16:24-25 When you believe and accept what Jesus did for you on the cross, everything changes. Your desires change. You no longer want to live for you. You live to serve and please God. You want to reach out to others with compassion. You change your perspective on life. You begin to understand that life is not confined to this world, that heaven is real and your goal in life. You change what you life for and what you are willing to die for. You cannot live in Christ without Christ changing you, and you never stop changing until you die.

The cross means a denial of sweetness. What I mean by that is that the cross is a place of pain and suffering. When Jesus said we must deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him, He was forewarning us that following Him is not a bed of roses. We will go through a lot of struggles personally as we are being transformed into godliness, and we will face a lot of opposition in the world because of our faith. There is no such thing as an easy road to heaven. If your faith walk is easy for you, you are not on the right path to heaven.

If you are living in Christ, you are changing. You cannot coast your way into heaven. You are growing and becoming the person God created you to be. If nothing is happening for you, you need to bow before the Lord and ask Him to change you. Ask Him to change your way of thinking, your desires, your living. Do it now, you will be so glad you did.

Friday, April 21, 2023




Matt. 26: 14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?”

If you have ever felt betrayed, there is good news for you. Jesus knows what you have gone through. He knows the heartache, the pain it has caused you, 10especially if it happened by someone you thought was a friend who loved you. -13; wants you to wallow around in your misery. He will do all he can to keep it fresh in your heart and mind so that you won’t be able to overcome it.

Beware: Jesus is also at the door. Matt. 26:10-13; John 12:1-11 Rather than focusing on betrayed love, try focusing on the love Jesus has for you. Two days before the Passover meal, Jesus was in Simon’s house in the town of Bethany. A woman was there who anointed Jesus with a very expensive perfume. It was an act of love and devotion, preparing Him for Calvary. She honored the Lord in an act of loving worship. Her devotion to Christ did not go unnoticed. Jesus honored her before the disciples and guests in Simon’s house and told them that her actions would be forever known by man.

Satan was at the door enticing Judas to betray Jesus. Jesus was at the door and the woman honor and worshiped Him. There is an important truth her we must not ignore.

Beware; you decide to whom you will open the door. Matt. 26:14-16. To be sold out to Christ, or to sell out Christ, that is the question.

We betray Christ when we sin against Him. It is so easy to take sin lightly, but dare we? Sin is cancer to the soul. We all struggle with it, and if we are honest with ourselves, we find ourselves guilty of it. No one is so righteous all the time that they never sin. Peter betrayed Christ, even though he vowed he would never do it and even die with Him. The Apostle Paul struggled with his own sinful tendencies. Rom. 7:15-25.

Sin damages our loyalty to Christ. 15 It caused Judas to lose his life. Sin never satisfies the soul, for we were created with a hunger that only Christ can satisfy. Bottom line is, sin is a covenant relationship with Satan.

But the Good News is that sin doesn’t have to keep us a prisoner to our misery. Jesus died to take away our sins. When we humble ourselves before Him, confess our sins, and ask Him to forgive us, He will. He is faithful and just and will forgive us, no matter what we may have done or said to betray Him.

Thursday, April 20, 2023




Matt. 26: 14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?”

Betrayal. The very thought of it makes one cringe. No one likes to be on the receiving end of a betrayal. No one wants to be left alone to face whatever adversity faces them. No one likes a Benedict Arnold for a friend. It’s so easy to point fingers at Judas and judge him for betraying Christ. Yet, there are some very important lessons we can learn from what Judas did to Christ.

Beware: Satan is lurking at the door. Matt. 26:1-2 The opportunity to betray Christ is always near. Few people like confrontation and challenges to their faith. Yet, we are constantly being harassed by those who have no faith. The world does not like us and will do everything it can to silence people living in Christ. The Gospel message is offensive to those who don’t accept it or believe it. Instead of standing strong in defense of the faith, we find ourselves apologizing to those offended or opposed to it. We often we soften the Gospel message by compromising its truths in order to not ruffle feathers.

We must ask ourselves, “Why would anyone betray Christ?” Lukewarmness towards Christ comes to mind. We are to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and soul. Lukewarmness about our faith comes to mind. We are not sold out to our faith. We treat it as an accessory to our lives instead of our life. Lukewarmness about our need to grow in Christ comes to mind. If we are not on a steady path of growth in Christ, we become complacent and lack the power to stand up for Jesus when faced with opposition to our faith. We become lukewarm towards our personal devotions and attending church regularly. We become lukewarm about serving the Lord and being a witness for Him.

The opportunity to betray Christ is everywhere. Matt. 26: 3-5. If you give Jesus the leftovers of your life, the chances are good that just like Judas, you will someday betray Him. We live in very troublesome times and things will only get worse until Jesus comes to take us out of this world. Keep your relationship with the Lord strong, and you will not waver when the opportunities to betray Him come your way.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023




Matt. 27:46 About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabbachthani!” ---which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” NIV

From the dark recesses of Christ’s soul is heard the cry, “My God, my God...” We can never know how excruciating the pain was for Christ to bear for our sins. His physical pain was beyond description. His emotional pain was horrible as He had to bear our sins all alone. His spiritual pain was beyond anything we can ever know as He for the first and only time in all of eternity had to be alienated from God. “God, I am hurting. God, I need you!” Sometimes all we can do when we are overwhelmed by our pains is to cry out to God.

From the dark recesses of Christ’s soul is heard the cry, "Why?” Why do I feel all alone, forsaken? “Why?” Why do I feel like you have deserted me, in this hour of my greatest need? “Why?” Why do I feel so heavyhearted, so burdened? “Why?” Why have you forsaken ME, your Son of whom You have said you are well-pleased?

Perhaps you have felt forsaken, all alone. Perhaps you have felt like those who say they love you have forsaken you. Perhaps the load you carry seems like more than you can bear alone. Perhaps you have been overwhelmed by the darkness that surrounds your soul. Or perhaps, you are there now.

Jesus knows and understands. He has gone through it all. He did it for you so that you can find your way out. He overcame the darkness of the soul. He is the Light that penetrates the darkest of the forsaken soul. He is the way out. Let Him take your hand right now and lead you out, let the glory of His life shine on you. Put your trust in Him and He will give you peace, fill your heart full of His love, and give you hope for all of eternity.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023



Matt. 27:45-46 From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabbachthani!”---which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” NIV

Darkness came over all the land because God was preventing curious eyes from watching Jesus as He took upon himself the total depravity of our sins. God could not look upon Jesus during that time. Jesus alone had to enter into the veil of darkness.

Darkness veiled Christ in His war with Satan. Eph. 6:10-12 In that darkness, Jesus felt the full fury of Satan’s assault. It was a battle that was in the making every sense

God in His power and authority. For centuries Satan had had his way with man. He was a royal thorn in God’s side and he had to be defeated once and for all. Jesus met Satan on his turf, which added to the intensity of the battle. Satan certainly was defeated, but he is a sore loser and still continues to fight for the soul of man.

Darkness veiled Christ as He experienced a separation from God. II Cor. 5:21 For the only ti me in eternity, God could not be close to Jesus. He could not help Him, He could not even look upon Him, because God is too pure, too holy, to gaze upon the sins that Christ bore.

Darkness veiled Christ as He accepted the full fury of God’s wrath against our sins. He took our place so that we would not have to die in our sins. It was the greatest act of selfless love ever displayed. It was the greatest act of self-denial the world has ever known. He willingly sacrificed himself for us. He never sinned personally, but He became sin for us. He alone was able to satisfy God’s wrath for sin.

Jesus went into the darkness and conquered it. He opened the door to victory over Satan and death. He has overcome the world, and one day will come and purge the world of all sin, and He will put Satan and his evil forces into an eternal hell to never rise again. Jesus is the Mighty Conqueror. Do you know Him today?

Monday, April 17, 2023




Matt. 27: 45 “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.” NIV

Being in the darkness may not bother you, but for some, it can be a very traumatic experience. In a world where we have so much light available to ward off the darkness, it can be faced with relative calmness. As we gaze upon the darkness of the cross, there are some observations we can make.

Darkness can keep us from knowing where we are at where we are going. John 12:35-36 tells us that Jesus is the light that lights up the world. In a world where evil and chaos reigns, we need Jesus more than ever. Live in Christ and you will always know where you are at and where you are going.

Darkness keeps us from knowing who we are. When people live in the darkness of their souls, they lose all sense of who they are or can be. Jesus alone can give us a clear sense of who we are in the scheme of life. He gives us purpose for living and confidence in our standing with God.

Darkness keeps us from having fellowship with God. Jesus experienced a break in His fellowship with God when He took our sins upon himself in the darkness of the cross. Darkness of the soul is the cesspool of sin. John 3:19-21

Darkness of the soul keeps us from knowing the truth. John 8:42-47 Why is there so much deception in the world? Satan is the father of all lies, and when Christ is absent from the heart, people naturally lie.

Darkness keeps us from being able to give and receive love. I John 2:9-11. God is love, and when the soul is swallowed up in darkness, compassion and caring goes out the window. Selfishness rules the heart and keeps others at bay. God’s love is a giving, sacrificial love, and only in Christ will you be able to fulfill God’s command to love others, even as Christ loves us.

When darkness grips the soul, life becomes a miserable life to live. We lose all hope and often resist helping hands. All we can see is the darkness, and it becomes our reality. Jesus went into that darkness and conquered it. He lights up the pathway to hope. He offers us a real purpose for life and gives it meaning. He is our eternal light and all who surrender their lives to Him not only find help and hope out of their darkness, they live forever in the Light of the world.

Saturday, April 15, 2023




Ezek. 37:4-6 Then he said to me, “Speak to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Look! I am going to breathe into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’” NLT

The message I get from these verses is a message of hope. We may be dead and lost in sin, but the Lord can breathe into us the breath of life. All hope of change may be gone, but the Lord can instantly change that. The Lord is able to give eternal life to anyone who turns to Him for the forgiveness of sin. No one is beyond the reach of saving grace.

Also, there are some of us whose love for the Lord has grown cold. We may not be totally dead yet, but it seems that way. We walk around like spiritual zombies. The zeal for the Lord and caring attitude for others has grown cold. The desire to read the Bible and pray is almost gone. There is no longer joy and peace in the soul. The Lord can breathe into us the breath of life that we might live again. He can help us to know once again that He is Lord of life. He can restore us to usefulness in His service.

The Lord is able to revive the soul of man. He is able to make the vilest of sinners clean. He is able to renew the spark in the coldest of hearts. He longs to breathe into the soul a passion for Him. He longs for all people to know that He is indeed Lord.

Do you know in your heart today that Jesus is Lord? Are you certain that He is your Lord? Don’t let sin rob you of the joys of salvation. Repent and turn to the Lord that you may indeed know that He is your Savior and Lord.

Has your soul dried up? Do you need a fresh breath of God on you? Get alone with the Lord and ask Him to breathe into you some fresh air. Ask Him to take away from you all those things that have caused you to dry up. Take all the time you need to sit down and read God’s Word and meditate on it. Take all the time you need to pray until you know the Lord has touched you and breathed into you new life.

Make a vow to the Lord today to let Him change you so that you might live again the abundant life He came to give you.

Friday, April 14, 2023




Ezek. 37:4-6 Then he said to me, “Speak to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Look! I am going to breathe into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’” NLT

I don’t know about you, but I would have loved to have been a witness to this event. God told Ezekiel to speak to a bunch of dry bones! I have spoken to a bunch of people like that over the years. People do dry up spiritually. There are some churches today who have been spiritually dry for a long time. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. It happens when the Word of God ceases to be the life food for the soul. It happens when the church stops praying together for one another and others. It happens when the church becomes more of a social gathering than a worship gathering. Regardless of how it happens, people and churches dry up spiritually.

The message God told Ezekiel to preach was THE WORD OF GOD. It is the only remedy for dried up souls. The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12). It pierces deep into the soul and roots out sinful deeds and thoughts. It gives hope to the dried up soul. When God speaks, exciting things begin to happen! The Lord’s message was that He was going to breathe life into the dead bones and give them life. He can, because He is the source of all life.

The Lord goes on to declare that not only would the bones be given life, they would be given an abundant life. They would be clothed with flesh, muscles and skin. This reminds us that there is so much more to life than just life; there is an abundance! God provides all that we need to have life and so much more. He equips us with all we need to live and serve Him. We are not given life to stand around or to sit and vegetate. We are blessed to know that He is Lord of life and to live to honor and serve Him.

Has your soul dried up? Do you need a fresh breath of God on you? Get alone with the Lord and ask Him to breathe into you some fresh air. Ask Him to take away from you all those things that have caused you to dry up. Take all the time you need to sit down and read God’s Word and meditate on it. Take all the time you need to pray until you know the Lord has touched you and breathed into you new life.

Make a vow to the Lord today to let Him change you so that you might live again the abundant life He came to give you.

Thursday, April 13, 2023




Ezek. 36:26-27 And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command. NLT

When Jesus enters the soul of man, things begin to happen. There are a lot of different things that He does within us besides forgiving us of our sins. The first thing that He does is He gives us a heart transplant.

The Lord gives us a new heart. He does this because the old heart, the heart of sin, is hard as a rock and cannot accept the things of God. A heart full of sin cannot obey God. It cannot long for the things of God. It cannot hear God when He speaks. It has no desire for the things God provides.

When we live in Christ, the way we were gives way to a new life. We desire to please God instead of ourselves. We desire to hear from God so that we will know how to please Him and what we must do in order to obey Him. We develop a hunger for the Word of God because we know it is God’s voice speaking through it. We desire to be with God so we seize opportunities we have to have fellowship with Him.

You cannot have saving faith without having a new heart. God transforms us. We are constantly changing into a holy people. Christ becomes the influencer of all we do. We live for Him and follow Him wherever He may lead us. There is an insatiable longing in the heart of the redeemed for Jesus now and for all of eternity.

When Christ lives in us, we cannot do what we used to do, nor do we want to. We cannot use the language we once did, nor can we think about sin in the same way. With our new heart, all we are changes; we become a people after God’s own heart.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023




Ezek. 34:11-12 For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “I myself will search and find my sheep. I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places to which they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day.” NLT

Isn’t that great news? The Lord searches for His lost sheep and never gives up until He finds them. He knows where to look and will find them. Some sheep are hard to find because they wander a long way off. They pay no attention to where they are going and get so lost that they can’t find their way home and have to helplessly wait hoping that they will be found. Some are so lost that they don’t even recognize the dangerous position they have put themselves into.

Some sheep seemingly are so lost they don’t want to be found. They continue to wander around aimlessly hoping to find something to satisfy them. They will feast on the leftovers not even understanding that the Lord wants to lead them into the lush and green pastures He has prepared for them.

Lost sheep are defenseless against those who would prey on them and often find themselves getting hurt and killed. They have no one to come to their aid and have no hope of surviving on their own.

Jesus knows all about the lost state of His own. He loves dearly all of us and will not stop searching for those who are His; He knows us by name. He spares no effort to find us and lead us home. He longs to take His lost sheep home to clean them up, heal their wounds, and put them into the flock where they belong. He wants to be their provider and protector. He wants to lead them safely home to heaven.

If you have wandered away from God, stop and listen. He is calling your name. He wants to spare you from the dangers that lurk all around you. He wants to bring you under His loving and protective care. Listen to Him now while you still can hear Him and be saved and safe.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023




Ezek. 34:1-2 Then this message came to me from the LORD, “Son of man prophecy against the shepherds, the leaders of Israel. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: Destruction is certain for you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep?” NLT

This devotional today is about pastors and for pastors. In the Scriptures, pastors are often depicted as being shepherds, overseers of the people entrusted to them. This passage is a stern warning for pastors. God is warning those who are overseers who look out for themselves at the expense of their people. These are people who feed off of people instead of feeding people. God declares very clearly that their destruction is certain.

If you have a pastor who is not taking care of his people, you must do something about it. If you are not being fed, you are starving your soul to death. Your pastor has the responsibility to lead you into the Word where your soul can be fed. Only as you are continuously fed the Word are you able to feast and grow. Your pastor must constantly feed and challenge you on so that you don’t get lazy or satisfied with where you are at. Your pastor must stand guard over your soul so that any potential danger can be addressed before you are harmed.

A pastor who is not feeding his people is not fit to serve as a pastor. It is a grave sin for a pastor to take advantage of people or use them for personal gain. Anyone who would be more concerned about themselves and their personal comforts than they are about the needs of the people they serve will feel God’s wrath. Pastors should always feed their people.

Dear friend, hold your pastor accountable, but when you do, hold yourself accountable as well. No matter how well your pastor may be feeding you, you have to do your part. You must take what is being offered to you, chew on it, and swallow it before it can do you any good. You must be careful what you feast on and avoid those things which are bad for your spiritual health. You must be discerning and feast on what you need. What you need today may be different than what you need tomorrow. Listen to the Spirit of God and chew on what you need and not just what you want.

Don’t rely just on what your pastor may offer you. A once-a-week feeding binge will not meet your spiritual needs. You must be taking care of your soul daily. Your pastor can only do so much for you. Pray much for your pastor. If your pastor is feeding your soul, support, encourage, and thank your pastor often. If he isn’t, pray much for him. If he doesn’t change, find another pastor who will feed you.

Monday, April 10, 2023




Ezek. 34:1-2 Then this message came to me from the LORD, “Son of man prophecy against the shepherds, the leaders of Israel. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: Destruction is certain for you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep?” NLT

This is a message that should be engraved on every pastor’s heart. There is grave danger for those whom God calls to shepherd His people when they fail to properly take care of their flock. There are so many so-called leaders in the church who are more concerned about themselves and their personal gain instead of the welfare of the church family.

I believe with all my heart that God will be very harsh on them come Judgment Day. There is no mercy for those who abuse others for their own gain. There is no mercy for those who abuse the gifts of God given for the sake of others for personal gain. There is no mercy for those who seek the affections of man instead of the affections of God. There is no mercy for those who don’t respect their calling before God to minister to the spiritual needs of others. There is no mercy for those who would seek to be shepherds on their own without the blessing and calling of God.

What is true for leaders in the church is true for all of us. We must always strive to be servants of God in all we do. We are not to live for ourselves and ignore the needs of others. It is so easy to live unto ourselves and neglect others. The Lord makes it very clear that if we love Him, we will love others. We cannot love the Lord and not love others. If you find that you have very little concern for others, you need to bow before the Lord and ask Him to change you. You need to confess your self-centeredness and ask Him to revive within you a genuine love for others. You need to take advantage of the opportunities the Lord gives to you daily to show compassion for others, both inside and outside your home.

Destruction is certain for all who don’t take an invested interest in others and minister as they can to their needs. We are in the feeding business. God gives us His love and gifts us to share with others. God will not honor those who hoard their salvation. In fact, He will reject them as His own. You cannot be a child of God and not impact the world for Christ. If we are not salt and light in the world, we are not living in Christ.

Sunday, April 9, 2023




Ezek. 33:17-20 “Your people are saying, ˜The Lord is not just,’ but it is they who are not just. For again I say, when righteous people turn to evil, they will die. But if wicked people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live. O people of Israel, you are saying, ‘The Lord is not just.’ But I will judge each of you according to your deeds.” NLT

Our problem with justice is that we don’t see the awfulness of sin like we should. We don’t see how sin wreaks havoc on the soul like God does. We don’t see how much God actually hates it because of what it does to us. Because God loves us and desires a pure relationship with us, he hates sin. He doesn’t want to see anyone miss out on heaven, but He knows most will because of sin. Justice is God’s response to sin. Sin must be punished.

God gives us a way out of sin. We can have a relationship with God through Christ. God has made a way for us to live and not die. He has given us the freedom to choose what kind of life we live. If we choose to live in Christ, we will be saved from hell. If we decide to reject God’s way and live in sin, we will not go to heaven when we die.

God knows how we are living and the choices we make. He will execute perfect justice on every soul. There will be no one who will be able to avoid God on Judgment Day. He will judge us based on how we live before Him. How we live will carry more weight than what we claim to believe. Profession without practice is worth nothing. He who lives in Christ will surely live.

If we are living in the righteousness of Christ, Christ will reward us according to what our faith deserves. If we are not living in Christ, God will judge us according to what our sin deserves. It is strictly up to us whether we will spend eternity in heaven or hell. How we live reflects the choice we make.

Saturday, April 8, 2023




Ezek. 33:17-20 “Your people are saying, ‘The LORD is not just,’ but it is they who are not just. For again I say, when righteous people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live. O people of Israel, you are saying, ‘The LORD is not just.’ But I will judge each of you according to your deeds.” NLT

Look carefully so you don’t miss what the Lord is saying here. He says when RIGHTEOUS people turn from their wicked ways. There is no other conclusion you can draw from this. Not only can righteous people fall into sin and live in it, many do. Don’t get the idea that the righteousness of Christ will automatically keep you from sinning. Jesus does not take away from us our freedom of choice. To do what is just and right before God is a decision we must make and remake continuously in our lives. If we don’t choose to obey God, we are choosing to disobey Him. The only way we are going to not sin against God is to choose to not sin.

What happens when righteous people choose to not turn from their sin? The implication of today’s text seems to suggest they will die in their sins. Does that mean they will no longer be considered by God to be righteous and acceptable to Him? All that He says here is that He will judge each one according to his deeds. The Lord’s judgments are just and right and He will make no mistakes on Judgment Day.

Live righteously and you won’t have to be concerned about what is going to happen on Judgment Day. Mess with sin and you will answer to God for it. God knows our hearts and our motives and will judge fairly our souls.

Friday, April 7, 2023




Ezek. 33:14-16 “And suppose I tell some wicked people that they will surely die, but then they turn from their sins and do what is just and right. For instance, they might give back a borrower’s pledge, return what they have stolen, and obey my life-giving laws, no longer doing what is evil. If they do this, then they will surely live and not die. None of their past sins will be brought up again, for they have done what is just and right, and they will surely live.” NLT

This is God’s Good News for all mankind. We all have a death sentence over our heads. We are all sinners before God. But, there is forgiveness in Christ. The Lord can break the bondage of our death sentence before God. He can change the way God thinks about us. He can change the way we think and act. There is hope for all of us, no matter how bad we are. He can change the bad in us into something very good.

When Christ forgives us purifies our hearts, we do think and act differently than we ever had before. Pleasing God becomes our way of life rather than pleasing ourselves. We are more concerned about God’s glory than our own. We love others as much as we do ourselves. We live to serve God instead of seeking personal pleasures and gains. Everything changes when we let Jesus take over our lives.

If we are not different, then nothing is really different in our souls. Professing faith and actually living in faith are two different things. Our lives must reflect our profession of faith. If you find that your profession is not backed up by your living, then you need to fall on your knees before the Lord and renew your commitment to Him. You need to confess your sins and seek His help to overcome them. You need to vow to be different. If you do these things, you will indeed find peace with God and will be saved.

Thursday, April 6, 2023




Ezek. 33:13 “When I tell righteous people that they will live, but then they sin,, expecting their past righteousness to save them, then none of their good deeds will be remembered. I will destroy them for their sins.” NLT

This truth should be branded deep into our hearts. Far too many professing Christians think that since they are saved they are free to live as they choose to live. They do not concern themselves with their sins. They are forgiven and going to heaven and it doesn’t matter what is done here on earth. How foolish to think like this!

Our Father will not let us get away with sin. Sin destroys the soul. God hates it and will never let it in His presence. Sin is what put Jesus on the cross. Sin will be punished and all those who live in it will not be allowed into the presence of God. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. Don’t think for a moment that because you professed Jesus as your Savior sometime in your past that your present living doesn’t matter. Your sin condemns you to certain death.

Anytime we wander away from under the blood of Christ shed for us, we do so at our own peril. All who live in Christ will be saved and all who don’t will be condemned. How we live day by day does matter to God and it certainly should matter to us. Don’t believe the lie that your salvation gives you the freedom to live as you choose, even if it is a life of sin. Grace does not excuse us. God will never violate His holiness. All sin will be accounted for and punished.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023



Ezek. 33:12 “Son of man, give your people this message: The good works of righteous people will not save them if they turn to sin, nor will the sins of evil people destroy them if they repent and turn from their sins.” NLT

Hear this message of God to Ezekiel. No matter how well you are grounded in Christ, if you decide to turn from righteous living and live in sin, your previous righteousness will not save you. We cannot escape God’s warning. The righteous live by faith in Christ and produce the fruit of righteousness. They do not live in sin. The sins of the heart condemn us. The Lord judges us according to how we are living, not by how we lived.

Those who turn from their sins and live righteously before God will be saved. The past, no matter how bad it may have been, is no longer held over their heads. All who repent of their sins will be saved. Those who live righteously before God will be saved. The past, no matter how bad it may have been can be changed; there is no past sin that cannot be forgiven if we turn to God and confess them.

We cannot change what God has spoken. We cannot explain it away. It is what it is. Let us take it to heart and live lives that are consistent with repentance. Why should we take the chance that we might die in our sins? Live honorably before God in righteousness and you will be saved.

Jesus died on the cross to make you righteous before God. He died so that your sins may be forgiven. He died to set you free from the bondage of sin that condemns the soul to hell. You don’t have to die in your sins. The choice is yours alone to make. Is Jesus your righteousness today?  

Tuesday, April 4, 2023




Ezek. 33:10-11 “Son of man, give the people of Israel this message: You are saying, ˜Our sins are heavy upon us; we are wasting away! How can we survive?’ As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live. Turn! Turn from your wickedness, O people of Israel! Why should you die?” NLT

Here is the passion of God’s heart. The Lord does not want anyone to die in their sins. He takes no pleasure whatsoever in the death of those bound for hell. He wants all people to repent and find their way to heaven. However, God cannot overlook sin. He who sins must surely die. He can never allow sin in His presence. So, he who dies in sin will live in sin forever and ever.

Sin weighs heavily on the heart of man. Sometimes it gets so heavy that one can scarcely live. The guilt and shame of sin become an unbearable burden on the soul. For some the burden is so heavy that they do whatever they can to forget the pain and agony of the heart. They wrap themselves up in the offerings of the world so they don’t remember, all to no avail. For some, the pain is so great that all hope is gone and they take matters into their own hands and end their lives. What a tragedy!

The end of all sin is death. There is a separation that takes place from the living. He who is physically alive and lives in sin has no help or hope from God. He is left with the misery of a sin-infested life. Sin often separates one from those who love him and desire a relationship with him. Sin is ugly no matter how you look at it. It is the death sentence of the soul.

The cry of God is, “Repent! Why should you die in your sin? I love you and want to remove your sin from you. Repent! I am merciful and gracious and will forgive all who come to me with a humble and broken heart confessing their sin.”

It breaks the heart of God when we spurn Him. He longs for a relationship with all people. Don’t let sin come between you and God. Confess your sins and you will live and you will know the joy of living in relationship with the Lord, our God. Turn to Him and you will find peace and rest for your soul. Turn! Turn to God right now! You will be so glad you did.

Monday, April 3, 2023




Ezek. 22:30-31 “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one. So now I will pour out my fury on them, consuming them in the fire of my anger. I will heap on them the full penalty for all their sins, says the Sovereign LORD.” NLT

These verses ought to grab our attention today. God says He looked for someone to rebuild the wall of righteousness guarding the land, but He could not find anyone. Look around you. Is there a need in the land for the walls of righteousness to be rebuilt? Regardless of where you may live, I am quite sure that there is a desperate need for righteousness all around you. Without righteousness guarding the land, evil prevails. All kinds of wickedness run wild where there is no righteousness. We have seen it in our history books; we see it all around us. Wickedness rules, and God makes it clear that judgment falls on the wicked.

God delays judgment so that people will repent and come to Him, but His patience with wicked man does run out. He puts up with wicked people just so long and then He steps in and destroys their land. How long will God put up with the wickedness in your land? Only God knows when judgment will fall on you. In the meantime, He is looking for someone to stand in the gap for righteousness, so He won’t have to destroy your land. He is looking for us to stand strong for righteousness. If we are gutless and do not stand, God in His anger will heap on us the full penalty our sins deserve.

We don’t know if it is too late for us or not, but that is not the point. God needs us to do what we can to stem the tide of wickedness so that He can delay our punishment. He has no desire to destroy, but He must if righteousness is not found. We must set the example of righteousness for others to follow: in our homes, churches, workplaces, and in society as a whole. If godly people do not let their godliness be seen and known, wickedness will continue to be seen and flourish. Only the godly can stay the hand of God. Will you stand in the gap and be a righteous influence in your world? Will you do your part in rebuilding the wall of righteousness in your land? Will you be an example for others to follow in godly living?

We have no one to blame but ourselves if we don’t let our lights shine in the darkness of the world and things continue to get worse all around us.

Sunday, April 2, 2023




Ezek. 20:39 “As for you, O people of Israel, this is what the Sovereign LORD says. If you insist, go right ahead and worship your idols, but then don’t turn around and bring your gifts to me. Such desecration of my holy name must stop!” NLT

Many people have such a low regard for the Lord. They do not hold Him up in high esteem. God is treated as one of us. Many have taken the truth that God is with us to mean that He is one of us. God may be deemed to be greater than we are, but barely. Many speak of Him in ways that make Him to be less supreme to us than He actually is. God as being perfectly holy and worthy of our humility before Him does not captivate most of us.

God is often treated as an extra in our lives. We give Him attention, but He is not the center of our attention. We acknowledge His realness and presence but don’t invest our lives in Him in such a way that He is Lord over us. In practice, we devote more time and energy on other things than we do God. He is not our supreme God. We allow idols in our lives and give them the place in our lives that God alone deserves.

The Lord says that we must stop putting other things before Him. He is not pleased with us when we give Him lip service and when we do, He will not acknowledge the time we do give Him. What we offer to Him is regarded as an insult to Him. If our hearts are not devoted to Him, the Lord will not tolerate what we do in His name. We live and worship in vain if God is not supreme in our lives. God is a jealous god and He says all such things must stop; they are a desecration of His holy name.

How convinced do you think God is when you claim that He is yours and you are His? He knows your heart and is not fooled by the things that fool us. If Jesus is not your Lord, you are not living a life pleasing and acceptable to God. He demands our full attention. We are to love Him with all of our heart, mind, and soul. There is no room for anything less. We need to stay in constant vigilance over our souls. We need to examine our hearts to see if Jesus is indeed Lord of them. If Jesus is not your Lord, you need to bow before Him today until He is. He will not take a backseat in our lives.