Friday, September 30, 2022




Prov. 24:1,2 Don’t envy evil people; don’t desire their company. For they spend their days plotting violence, and their words are always stirring up trouble. NLT

Got it? Don’t envy evil people; don’t hang around them. Period. Why? Because when evil rules the heart, nothing good can come from it. What comes out of the mind and mouth of a person is what is in the heart. A sinful heart is bent on destruction. There is a natural need for a sinful heart to self-destruct and bring evil to those around him. A sinful heart drags down those around him instead of building him up.

Sinful people need godly friends. They need people who will help them find their way out of their sinful lifestyle and find their way to the Lord. They need people to care for their souls enough to befriend them. They don’t need people to participate with them in their sinful lifestyles.

But, we must always protect our own souls and not allow our friendships to pull us away from the Lord. Never let your guard down lest you too fall into sin. Be aware of the powerful and subtle draw of sin. The deeper the friendship, the more careful you must be lest you are drawn into a life of sin.

Don’t envy the life of a sinner. He has nothing you need. Rather, you have what he needs. Don’t shun him, but neither do you want to let your friendship draw you away from the Lord. Influence sinners for Christ, don’t be influenced by them.

Thursday, September 29, 2022




Prov. 23:17-18 Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the LORD. For surely you have a future ahead of you; your hope will not be disappointed. NLT

Be honest. There are people in this world that you know are sinners that you envy. They rise to prominence in the public arena. They are leaders in the world and in our churches. They have achieved things that we only dream about. They have influence, money and prestige that we would love to have. We do it, even though we know we shouldn’t.

Sinners, no matter how they are packaged, are going to hell. Unless they repent and live in Christ, their future is sealed. No matter who or what they appear to be now, it will not save them. We need to remind ourselves of this reality so that we don’t lose sight of that which is important in our lives.

We must continue to fear the Lord. We must focus our lives on what we have in Christ and not on what we don’t have in the world. We must always have a proper awareness and respect for God. We must keep our lives in line with His life. Our future is not in what this world may offer us; it’s in what God provides for us in Christ. Instead of putting people on pedestals they don’t deserve to be on, we should put Christ on the pedestal of our hearts and never let Him off of it.

Fearing the Lord is a process, and it is never easy. Because the Lord is in heaven and we have never seen Him in His glory, we struggle to have a proper respect for who He is. We must keep our hearts in tune with Him. There is no other way. The more in tune with the Lord we are, the more we will respect who He is. We must never forget or take for granted that our Lord is holy and that He judges us in light of His holy standards.

People will always disappoint us, but Christ never will. People do stupid things and say stupid things, but Christ never does. Instead of envying fallen sinners, fix your eyes upon Christ who never fails. Only the Lord will deliver on His promises. Trust in Him and your future will be bright, and you will never be disappointed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022




Prov. 23:13-14 Don’t fail to correct your children. They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death. NLT

My dad did not always walk with the Lord, but he took these verses to heart. He was a strong disciplinarian while I was growing up. He was the ruler of our home, and we did what he told us to do or else faced the consequences. I grew up back in the day when parents could use the rod to discipline their children. For my dad it was his belt, and he knew more than one way to use his belt. He wore it to help hold up his pants, and he also used it to help correct me when I needed it.

I never did enjoy my dad’s discipline, but one thing is for sure, I learned what it was to respect and obey him. Sometimes I was a slow learner, but learn I did. As I look back on those years, I know now that I needed his corrections. My being spanked did not kill me. It did tend to kill my rebellious spirit. My dad’s discipline helped to shape my character. I learned right from wrong and that it was far to my advantage to do what is right as opposed to the wrong. Now, don’t get me wrong; I still did wrong things, but when I did I always tried to keep them from his watchful eyes.

Discipline is good for us as long as it is not out of control and harmful to our well-being. It is never okay to discipline a child out of uncontrolled anger. As long as it is done with love and with the purpose of teaching us to choose to do what is right, it can be a good thing.

It is also good for us to be disciplined by the Lord. We often need correcting because we tend to not do what is right before Him. We need His loving and firm hand upon us to keep us from wandering away from Him. It may hurt for a while, but just like I survived my dad’s discipline growing up, we survive quite well. When we submit to the Lord’s rule over us, we become the people God longs for us to be, a people after His own heart, a holy people.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022




Prov. 23:12 Commit yourself to instruction; attune your ears to hear words of knowledge. NLT

How committed to instruction are you? Do you know that there is so much more to learn about the Lord and your walk with Him that you don’t know? Do you realize that what little you do know is not enough to meet the needs and demands of your heart? Do you not know that there is much yet the Lord wants to teach you?

I don’t care how long you have walked with the Lord or how deep into the journey of faith you have gone, if you are not teachable and want to learn more, you will never grow any more than what you have already grown. In fact, you will get smug and complacent in your knowledge and begin to lose ground in your relationship with the Lord. There is no level plateau upon which we can stand spiritually. We are either growing or dying. It’s as simple as that.

We need to always have our ears tuned into what the Lord wants to teach us. We must always desire to know more about how to live more holy lives. We must always want to discover how to be more effective servants and witnesses for Him. We must always want to know how to better help others either find their way to the Lord or to grow in him. We must never allow ourselves to become satisfied with who we are in Him.

Commit yourself to instruction and you will always know the joy of salvation and the power of the Gospel at work within you. You will never get tired of learning more because you will discover that the more you know, the closer you are able to live with the Lord, and the more you will want to know about Him. The more you learn from Him, the more in love with Him you will grow.

Learning at Jesus’ feet is the fuel that feeds our love for Him.

Monday, September 26, 2022




Prov. 23:12 Commit yourself to instruction; attune your ears to hear words of knowledge. NLT

It takes a commitment to learn new things. It takes humility to recognize that you need to learn more things. It takes humility to accept the fact that you are not as knowledgeable as you would like others to think you are and that you must depend on others to help you learn.

It takes a commitment to invest the time and energy needed to learn. We must study and commit to memory things that we discover. We retain best what we learn when we ask the Lord to embed what we discover into our hearts and minds.

We learn best when we see the value of what we are learning. As children of God, we must hold in high regard God’s Word. We must see it as eternal truth applicable to life. We must understand that it is God speaking to us truths we must have for holy living. We must not let anything keep us away from the Word. We must shut out all other attractions and focus on hearing God speak. We must come before God expecting to learn new things and expecting God to rehash things we should have learned, but didn’t.

Good learning requires good listening. It doesn’t happen easily in a world that is so noisy and preoccupied with self. We have to be willing to make sacrifices in order to get quiet enough before the Lord to hear Him speak. We also may have to readjust our schedules so that we have the time to wait on the Lord. We also need to strive to avoid being so tired that we can’t focus on Him.

Learning is a lifetime process. We will never get to the point where we don’t need to learn more. We need to hear God speak every day. Keep your soul tuned into the Lord and you will hear Him speak. Sit quietly at the Master’s feet and He will teach you what you need to know in order to live a holy life, a life pleasing to Him.

Sunday, September 25, 2022




Prov. 23:4-5 Don’t weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird! NLT

We vary in how much value we place on riches. Our world is driven by it, and it is one of the things that measures a person’s worth to the world. The mindset is that the more you have, the happier and more meaningful your life will be. Regardless of how many times we hear of those who have much either squandering away their wealth, abusing it, or quitting life in spite of it, we hold on to the idea that wealth is all that it is made out to be.

Trying to obtain wealth is wearisome. It consumes much of our lives. Many work very long and hard hours in order to get more. The process is repeated over and over again, taking on such great importance that very little thought is given to the simpler and more important things in life. Families are torn apart and destroyed because of it. Lost are opportunities to grow together as strong and healthy contributors to life. Lost are opportunities to enjoy the momentary pleasures of life as we grow older. Lost are the opportunities to grow in character and prepare for eternity.

What we fail to get until it is too late is that it is such a waste of time. Why strive to accumulate stuff for stuff’s sake? Why strive to accumulate wealth for a later stage in life that may never come? Why spend your life obtaining a wealth you will probably never spend? Why put your confidence in that which can never deliver on what it promises?

We must always remember that wealth can disappear a whole lot faster than it is obtained. When it becomes the main reason for which we live, very few of us have the ability to hang on to it without squandering it away. Its pleasures are momentary, and they are soon gone.

If you are amongst those who put a great deal of value on wealth, I challenge you to rethink your priorities. Life is meaningful only as we life in relationship with Christ. Only the Lord can deliver on His promises. Only the Lord can give us lasting peace, security, and the joy of living. Only life in Christ will last. Everything else will soon be gone. Make Jesus your passion in life, your prized possession, and you will always have what your heart craves for.

Saturday, September 24, 2022




Prov. 23:4-5 Don’t weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird! NLT

In a world that glorifies riches, we must hear this message. The pursuit of riches for riches’ sake is a waste of time, a waste of one’s life. No matter how much one may have of the world, he will never be satisfied. It’s a vicious cycle that never ends. The more one has, the more he wants to have because he discovers that what he has cannot satisfy the longings of the soul.

It is so easy to buy into the notion that once riches have been obtained that they will never go away. But life proves this notion to be so wrong. We read of stories all the time and may even know from personal experience, how people of great wealth have lost it all. Bad decisions or circumstances can cause riches to disappear in a moment of time.

Little real thought is given to just how empty the promises of riches really are. We spin our wheels hoping to get more, believing that once we get more then we will be happy and content. The reality is that nothing we substitute for Christ in our lives will ever make us happy and content. Only Jesus can satisfy the restlessness of the soul.

Riches cannot make our sins go away. No amount of money in the world accumulated or given away can get rid of one iota of our sins. Once a sinner always a sinner, unless the sinner finds grace and mercy at Calvary. Those who are rich will meet the same fate as those who are poor.
They will die and stand before the judgment seat of God and give an account for the sins of their lives. They will be judged like everyone else by the merits of His Word. The only thing that will save them from God’s wrath is the shed blood of Christ.

The redeemed may get rich, but the quest for riches do not consume them. They have much better things to do in life. They build their foundation on Christ and the things of the Kingdom of God. They do not get stressed out and weary over the things of this life for they find their satisfaction in Christ’s saving grace alone. They seek first the things of God and rest in the knowledge that He will take care of all their needs today and forever.

Riches for the redeemed becomes tools in their hands to bring honor and glory to Christ. We use whatever we have to help others come to saving faith, whether we have much or very little. Souls for the redeemed are far more important than whatever they may, or may not, have in this life.

Friday, September 23, 2022




Prov. 22:6 Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it. NLT

This verse is well-known by most of us. We have heard it quoted from the pulpit and taught in the classroom. We have clung to it when we begin to question our ability as parents because our children make unwise choices in life, and when they get older wander away from the church and Christian life. We stand upon this truth with hope that in time our children will return to the roots of the faith they have been raised in and taught.

By no means do I want to shake anyone’s confidence as to whether or not their wayward son or daughter will return to the Lord. I too stand on the assurance that the Lord will draw a wayward child back to Him.

However, I also know that for many of us there is much frustration when we don’t see it happening. Our children do make their own choices and have to live with the consequences of their choices. No son or daughter will ever make it to heaven on the shirttail of our faith. My concern is that no one will allow their faith to be shaken when we don’t see it happen like we want and expect it to.

We must always remember that it is our responsibility to train our children in the faith, to help their understanding of Truth to grow, and to give them every opportunity we can to live it out in their lives. They will never be able to get away from the foundation of faith we pour into their lives. They will never have an excuse before God for why they chose to wander away from Him. The truth will always go with them wherever they go. The Spirit will constantly remind them of their need to return to the Lord.

Our responsibility is to teach with words and deeds how faith works. We must not shirk our duty to show our children how to live out what we preach at them. We must give them ample reason to believe that what we preach at them is indeed the real deal. They may with their minds disregard or deny the truth, but their hearts will always convict them.

It is our duty to teach and train them so that they can make responsible choices for themselves as they grow older. Teach them, for when they stand before God someday, they will be held accountable for the choices they make.

Thursday, September 22, 2022




Prov. 21:23 If you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble. NLT

All of us can relate to this truth. All of us have been plagued with the “put foot in mouth disease.” We say things impulsively that get us into trouble. We say mean and hurtful things that we come to regret later. We say things that devastate and discourage others that cause some to lose focus and settle for mediocre lives instead of the life God intended for them to have. We boast about things that we should give credit to the Lord for. We disrespect others with our words instead of building them up. We open up our mouths and let all kind of damaging things come out of them.

It is far better to think before we speak. If we pause to recognize the harm that may come from what we say, we can then shut up our mouths and not say anything. If you know the Lord, you will not want to purposely say things that tear down instead of build up. You will take the high road and be quiet instead of impulsively speaking. It is not easy to do, but we all can gain better control of our tongues. We do it by first keeping our hearts right with God. It is from the heart that the mouth speaks, and if the heart is right, then we are less likely to say things that we will regret.

If you have trouble keeping your mouth shut when you should, I encourage you to first fall on bended knee before Christ until you can get whatever is wrong with your heart fixed. I urge you to let the Spirit have control of your tongue and then empower you to shut up and stay out of trouble. It is good for you and for the sake of the cause of Christ if you do.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022




Prov. 21:21 Whoever pursues godliness and unfailing love will find life, godliness, and honor. NLT

To pursue is to make a commitment to it. We must commit ourselves to obtaining godliness and unfailing love if we want to find life. Life spoken of here is eternal life; it is life with God. Neither godliness nor unfailing love are easy to obtain. We must constantly be striving to obtain them.

Godliness is living life consistent with God’s life. It is being holy in deed and conversation. It is having pure motives in what we do. It is not compromising the integrity of our heart for the sake of convenience, popularity, or acceptance by man.

Unfailing love is not possible unless we are firmly connected to God who is love. It is a heart full of kindness, gentleness, and compassion. It is unconditional acceptance of others regardless of where they may be in their lives with the desire to help them become the child of God they need to be. Unfailing love does not fluctuate with circumstances. It is something we must intentionally strive to live every day.

The promise of God is that whoever strives to live a godly life full of unfailing love will find life. There is no greater life than one lived connected to God. There is no lasting peace or joy in any other way to live. A life lived connected to God is pleasing to Him and honored by Him. God will never abandon those who are His.

If you are pursuing any other thing in life, you need to wake up your soul while you can. There is nothing in life worth pursuing other than a heart right with God. Chasing after anything else will pull you away from God. If you persist in pursuing other things rather than God you may get far enough away from Him that you can’t find your way to Him. Pursue godliness and unfailing love and you will find what you are looking for to satisfy your soul.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022




Prov. 21:16 The person who strays away from common sense will end up in the company of the dead. NLT

How would you describe common sense? I would define it as the ability to act in a reasonable manner given the situation. It may not be the textbook way of doing things, but it is the reasonable way. There are many ways to do things, but many of them simply are too complicated and cumbersome. You go with what simply works best in the given situation.

I would say that the opposite of common sense is the law. It is a rigid approach to living, having to do things always a certain way because it’s the textbook way of doing things. A lack of common sense kills the soul. It destroys the ability to live freely and stress free.

We need laws to govern our behavior, to give us guidelines to live by. But, there needs to be a balance between the law and good old-fashioned common sense.

This is true in our spiritual lives as well. He who has common sense will live by grace and not the law. He will live in Christ because it works and not because it is demanded. He will live in Christ because of love and not compulsion. He will let the Spirit of God guide him and not bind him. He will know the wonderful truth that Christ came to set us free, and when He sets us free, we are free indeed.

He who strays from common sense will surely die in his spirit. He will certainly make many avoidable mistakes because not all learning come from books. He will become frustrated because not all that comes from books works. There must be a balance between what we learn from others and what works in our lives.

Monday, September 19, 2022




Prov. 21:6 Wealth created by lying is a vanishing mist and deadly trap. NLT

For many, wealth is everything. Entire lifetimes are spent in the pursuit and accumulation of it. The belief is that wealth will bring happiness and satisfaction in life. What they don’t stop to consider is that the promise of soul satisfaction can only be fulfilled in Christ. Wealth cannot deliver what is promised—it never has and never will. The only thing that wealth does for us is to make us think we are self-sufficient. It causes us to believe that once we get enough of it, we will be able to live a life of ease and comfort. Wealth is delusional. There is never enough to satisfy the soul. The quest for more drives people to their graves. The emptiness of wealth causes people to either squander away what they have, lose their desire to live, or become so caught up into themselves that they are unbearable to live with. If you are not satisfied with life and at peace with yourself when you are poor, you will never be satisfied when you are rich.

The problem is compounded when wealth is gained by lying. Deception never gets us what we think we want. It always destroys. When we lie to others, we lose their trust and respect. We lose friendships we long for. We lose any chance we may have for a relationship with God.

The only soul satisfaction you will ever find is in a life-changing encounter with Christ. It is only when we confess our sins and put our life into His that we will find peace, contentment, and a purpose for living. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and you will be satisfied whether you are blessed with riches or are poor.

Sunday, September 18, 2022




Prov. 21:3 The LORD is more pleased when we do what is just and right than when we give him sacrifices. NLT

Being is better than doing. The Lord wants us to be genuine in our souls when we act like children of God. It’s not too hard to put on a front. There are a lot of people who do not act like the world acts. They don’t participate in the world’s activities; they shy away from things that are self-destructive. A lot of people hang out with godly people who are not godly themselves. A lot of people are faithful churchgoers and are involved in a lot of church activities who are not right with God. A lot of people consider themselves to be right with God because they play the part well.

The Lord looks on the heart before He does what the heart produces. What pleases the Lord is our relationship with Him and the fruit it naturally produces. The Lord wants us to be real. He wants us to know Him as Savior and Lord before we do what we do. He is pleased when our motives are right, when we do what is just and right because it is the desire of our hearts.

We must be careful about our souls. We can easily deceive ourselves about our standing before God. We can convince ourselves that because we live like children of God, we are children of God. We can grow up in the church, hang out with Christians, believe what Christians believe, and still be lost. Our only assurance of our salvation is our being washed clean by the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary. We must know that we are sinners, confess our sins, ask the Lord to forgive us, and then claim His forgiveness. We must understand that there is no other way for us to be found acceptable and pleasing to God.

Do you know for a fact that God is pleased with you because of your relationship with Christ? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Have you accepted Him as your Lord? Only a heart rooted in Christ’s righteousness pleases God.

Saturday, September 17, 2022




Prov. 21:3 The LORD is more pleased when we do what is just and right than when we give him sacrifices. NLT

This is a very important truth we dare not miss. We tend to think that the more we offer the Lord, the more pleased He is with us. If we give Him lots of our money, time, talents, and effort, surely it will be enough to please the Lord. We put a lot of weight on what we do and not nearly enough time on who we are. The Lord isn’t concerned about our performance; He desires that our heart be right with Him.

We cannot have hearts that are just and right without the constant presence of Christ in us. We have no right standing with God apart from Christ. Jesus is the one who makes our hearts pure and holy. He is the one who roots out sin and takes it away. He is the one who is able to enable us to do what we do for the right reasons.

In order for Jesus to do His work within us, we must immerse ourselves in Him. We must have open hearts and minds to hear what He needs to say to us. We must be humbled in spirit so that when He speaks, we will obey Him. We must develop an appetite for Him. We must stay in close touch with Him and never neglect our need for Him. In other words, we must let the Lord have full access to our lives.

God is very pleased with the Son, and He will be very pleased with us when we let Jesus have His way with us.

Friday, September 16, 2022




Prov. 21:2 People may think they are doing what is right, but the LORD examines the heart. NLT

We can easily fool ourselves. We develop certain perceptions of right and wrong and evaluate ourselves in light of our perceptions. But, unless our understanding is rooted in God’s Word, what we think may be right may very well be totally wrong. What is right and wrong is perceived differently by people depending on their upbringing and culture. What is right in one person’s eyes may be totally wrong in another person’s eyes.

God has clearly set the standard for our understanding. He leaves no doubt or confusion on how we should live. He spells out exactly how godly people should act and think. He makes it clear what happens when we don’t listen to Him. No matter what we may think, God’s Word is the standard we must live by. We don’t get to choose what is right and wrong. God is holy and He alone determines who is able to be in His presence.

The wisdom and insight of man is skewed. We are influenced by our sinful nature. We fall short of what is right in God’s eyes. We tend to evaluate rightness in such a way that it is convenient for us. We tend to not go beyond our comfort zone. We set standards that we can live with and make us feel good about ourselves.

But, the Lord examines the heart. He is not influenced by what we think. He knows whether or not we are living by His standards. He sees beyond what others see; He sees more than what we see of ourselves. The Lord is not fooled by the right things we do and say. He examines the heart and knows the motives that drive us. He knows whether or not we are sincerely trying to please Him. He knows whether or not we are striving to live life His way.

Are you comfortable with what God knows about you? He sees what is in your heart. He is holding you up to the standards of His Word. He will hold you accountable for how well you live by His standards. Can you honestly say that you are living life God’s way today?

Thursday, September 15, 2022




Prov. 20:27 The LORD’s searchlight penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden motive. NLT

Here is a truth we must get. There is nothing in the soul of man that is not seen and known by the Lord. Nothing. He knows all the sin that gets in and stays. He knows how bright or dark the soul may be. He knows everything there is to know about what makes me say and do what I do. He knows the worthiness of my soul and whether or not I am fit for heaven. He knows what drives me. He knows not only what I do and say, but what I plan on doing. There is nothing that the Lord does not see and know about me.

How does this make you feel? Are you okay with what the Lord knows about you? Are you at peace knowing that He isn’t finding anything there that is not okay with Him?

If you are uncomfortable with the thought that God knows your every little hidden secret, you need to have a little talk with Jesus. Tell Him what he already knows. Tell Him the sin you have tried to hide or ignore. Tell Him the sinful thoughts you may have. Tell Him everything you can think of that may not please Him. Then, ask the Lord to forgive you for harboring sin in your soul. His promise is that when you do that, He will forgive you and cleanse your soul from all unrighteousness. He will do it, but not without your cooperation and permission.

Don’t let another moment slip by without getting rid of all the baggage of sin that holds you down. Let the Lord purify your soul and give you a renewed since of his peace, joy, and love. The Lord is waiting for you. Is there anything more important for you to do right now than to let the Lord take away your sin? He is faithful and just and will forgive you for whatever sin He finds in your heart if you will confess it and ask Him to forgive you. Do it now while He is speaking to you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022




Prov. 20:25 It is dangerous to make a rash promise to God before counting the cost. NLT

I don’t think most of us get this truth too well. We say things to God without giving much thought to whom we are talking to. We make promises that don’t come from deep within the heart. We often speak off the top of our heads without giving much thought to the implications our promises may have on our lives. We need to carefully think about this. God does not take what we say lightly. He fully expects us to keep our word to Him. It is easy to say we will submit to and obey the Lord, but it’s another thing to actually do it.

Have you made promises to the Lord that you have not kept? If so, what happened that you failed to keep your word? Did you forget? Or, perhaps your understanding changed and you came to realize that what you promised was not reasonable or even right before God.

We all are guilty of saying things that we think we mean, but don’t really mean them. We say things without counting the cost and discover later that the cost is far more than what we realized. It is easy to speak from our emotions without first thinking through what we are saying.

Let us be careful about what we say to the Lord. He takes very seriously our words to Him. He judges us by what we say for our words are rooted in the integrity of our hearts. It is dangerous to make promises to God that we don’t, or can’t keep.

If you have made promises that you have not kept to God, admit it and ask for His forgiveness. And, ask Him to keep you from rash promises. Ask Him to help you count the cost before you speak. Ask Him for greater control over your words. Ask Him to keep your heart pure so that what does come out of your mouth will be words you mean and can back up with your living.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022




Prov. 20:23 The Lord despises double standards; he is not pleased by dishonest scales. NLT

Let us think about this for a moment. What are double standards? They are the things we say but don’t do. They are the things we tell others to do that we don’t do. They are things we expect out of others, but we don’t expect for ourselves. They are self-serving and God hates these things.

Double standards come from impure hearts. They come from those who are living under the control of Satan and not God. They are unstable souls who have no firm foundation in life. They do not live by absolute truths. They fit their standards to fit the moment they are in. They have no qualms about taking advantage of others when it serves their purposes. They are not honest with others, themselves or God.

The godly are not like that. Godly people live by God’s absolute standards. They do not deviate from what they know God would have them do. They are unshakable when it comes to doing what is right before God, no matter how it may affect their lives. Godly people are concerned about pleasing God and not man. They deal honestly with others and treat them with kindness and respect. They practice what they preach to others. They are not self-serving and do not take advantage of others for personal gain or comfort.

The Lord knows the standards that govern your life. He knows what you are doing and why you do them. Nothing escapes His notice. Does the Lord hate what you are doing, or is He well-pleased? He holds you accountable and responsible for the standards you live by. Do not do things the world’s ways; live by God’s standards. Only the righteous in heart will see God.

Monday, September 12, 2022




Prov. 20:7 The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children after them. NLT

The godly walk with integrity. In the godly there is steadfast honesty. There is a commitment to truthfulness. A person with integrity seeks to always do what is right and good. He is transparent and will not compromise what he knows to be true. The godly wear proudly the badge of integrity.

Blessed are the children of those who live in integrity because they have an example worthy to follow. Children imitate their parents. They learn from their parents how to behave in life. What they see is deemed to be normal and acceptable behavior. When children have godly parents, they are truly blessed. They learn how to live life on a godly plain. They are taught the pathway to God where true happiness and contentment is found. They learn that life is more than the shallowness found in the world.

Walking with integrity is no guarantee that one’s children will walk in their footsteps. Everyone must choose for themselves whom they will serve. When parents walk with integrity, they give their children the opportunity to make choices that will lead them into godliness. It makes a child’s choices so much more difficult if he doesn’t have a godly example to observe and follow. The greatest act of love that a parent can give to his child is to love the Lord with all of his heart, mind and soul. No one has to be held a prisoner to his upbringing. Jesus is always amongst men to show us that He is the way, truth and life. To God be the glory!

Praise the Lord for His amazing grace that draws people to Him in spite of the example set before them. Praise Him for those parents who set a godly example for their children to follow.

There is no greater gift that you can leave your children or grandchildren than the gift of a life lived with godly integrity. Their lives are truly blessed for they get to see firsthand faith that works. Are you walking with godly integrity before your children? Are your children blessed because of the life you live before them?

Sunday, September 11, 2022




Prov. 19:22 Loyalty makes a person attractive. And it is better to be poor than dishonest. NLT

Loyalty is that character trait that causes us to stay true to another regardless of the circumstances. It flows from a sense of trust and familiarity. You discover that another is dependable and will not seek to harm you in any way, therefore, you embrace and stick by him.

Loyalty is an essential part of any lasting relationship. Marriages will not last without it. Friendships come and go depending on how loyal people are to each other. When trust is broken, it is very hard to reclaim. No one wants to be around people they cannot trust. Loyalty flows from the heart. The closer one lives to Christ, the more dependable he is.

It is a thing of beauty to observe true loyalty, whether it’s on the human or spiritual plane. It’s the glue that holds together any lasting friendship. God reveals himself as one who is loyal to us. He never leaves us alone and will never go away. He seeks always our good and will always be our strongest supporter. The Lord will never let us down, drag us down, or hold us down. He always wants to help us reach our potential in Him. Our Lord’s loyalty is one of those qualities that make Him so attractive to us. He is the only one whom we can absolutely depend on in life to be on our side because there is no sin in Him. He cannot fail to be our loyal friend.

There is probably no greater disappointment than to have someone whom you thought you knew well enough to count them as a loyal friend betray your trust. There are those who will pretend to be your friend, but when the chips are down, they go away. It is far better to be poor and have no friends than to have friends like that. Be discerning in whom you place your trust. And, seek always to be one whom others can trust. Examine your heart. Do you have what it takes to be a true-blue friend? Do you possess enough God-like character to not betray another’s trust? The closer you live to the Lord, the better friend you will be.

Someone you know needs you to be a loyal friend. Be that someone—one who can be counted on to be there for them no matter what. It is who God wants you to be.

Saturday, September 10, 2022




Prov. 19:21 You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail. NLT

We must understand and accept this wonderful truth. The Lord is on the throne of heaven and His purpose will prevail. We like to be in control of our own destiny. We like to have a say in how things are going to work out for us in life. We like to determine our own paths. We work hard to make our lives become what we want them to be.

However, our plans may not be in line with God’s purposes. In fact, His purpose for life may be drastically different than our plans. We can prevent His purpose from becoming a reality in us by our stubborn refusal to let Him have His way with us. But when that happens, His greater plan of judgment will prevail. We can either live the life He plans for us or we can become victims of our plans. It’s a choice we all make in life.

The Lord’s purpose for life is redemption. It is why we exist and why He came. He will save all those who come to Him. He will redeem and purify His people and make them fit for His eternal kingdom. He will give them hope, peace, joy and a reason to live. He will forgive all those who come to Him. He will instill in the heart a desire for Him and a willingness to live for Him.

Let this marvelous truth encourage you today. The Lord’s purpose for your life will prevail if you walk humbly before Him. He will make you into the person He created you to be. He will use you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine now. All the forces of hell can’t thwart the plans God has for you.

Go ahead and make as many plans for your future as you want, but always remember this wonderful truth, “The Lord’s purpose will prevail.” Man cannot prevent the Lord from accomplishing His will to redeem as many as will let Him and usher them home to heaven. Righteousness will prevail; all sin will be judged and cast into the lake of fire reserved for those who reject the Lord. Align yourself up with God’s purposes and all will be well with your soul, both today and throughout all of eternity.

Friday, September 9, 2022




Prov. 19:20 Get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life. NLT

There is nothing wrong with admitting you don’t know it all. There is always more to learn and understand about life and ourselves. Get all the advice and instruction you can. Seek out sources that can help you. The beginning point is on your knees before God. The Word tells us that it is the Holy Spirit who instructs us in the things of God and gives us understanding. We must ask Him to open up our minds and hearts so that we can learn more about Him and his ways.

Listen to others who have walked the path upon which you are walking. We are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses who can offer sound advice because they have already experienced what you are experiencing. They can forewarn you of the dangers that lie ahead so you can be prepared for them and avoid them. They can encourage you by giving you hope and confidence that it can be done.

Learn from your life experiences. Some lessons are best learned by our failures. We learn what not to do and more importantly, why not to do them. We learn that when we stumble and fall we didn’t know what we thought we knew. We learn that our strength to do what is right does not come from us, but it comes from Christ. We learn that there is so much more for us to learn as we endeavor to live lives that are pleasing to God.

Listen to God’s Word proclaimed. God gives His messengers insight into His Word and the authority to proclaim it. Tune in to the advice and instruction that God gives through them. Evaluate carefully what you hear in light of what the Spirit shows you in the Word of God. Then, when you hear what God is saying, seek to put it into practice in your life.

Listen and let the Lord instruct you on how to grow in your faith and knowledge of Him. If you do these things, you will be wise the rest of your life. And, in your wisdom, you will in turn be able to help those who follow in your footsteps.

Thursday, September 8, 2022




Prov. 19:18 Discipline your children while there is hope. If you don’t you will ruin their lives. NLT

Discipline is good for the soul. We have a natural tendency to do what is wrong. We are not able to identify wrong behavior without help. We need a guiding and firm hand to show us what is right and hold us accountable for it. We naturally do what is sin and need to be taught that sinful behavior has consequences and is not acceptable or good for our well-being. Sin left unchecked ruins the soul. Its end is an eternity in hell.

Understanding right from wrong is essential for discipline to work. There can be no gray area on behavioral issues. Clear guidelines must be communicated so that one’s children will not be confused when discipline is meted out. Understanding the importance of guiding children on what is right and wrong is essential for the well-being of our children. Anyone without moral guidance will end up a real mess and be a burden to society unless the Lord miraculously intervenes.

In order for discipline to be effective, children must see consistency in the lives of their parents. They must see their parents practicing what they preach. Children tend to imitate their parents, and if they see their parents living a different life than they are expecting their children to live, there will be very little co-operation and conflict will be the norm.

Discipline flows from a loving heart. It shows that someone loves us enough to help us do what is right. It is essential to healthy and happy living. It is true on a human level, and it is true in our relationship with God.

Thank you, Lord, that you love us so much that you won’t spoil us and let us get away with sin. Thank You that you will do whatever you can to keep us from self-destruction. Thank You for keeping us on track. Lord, don’t let up. We need Your corrective hand. We need You to hold us accountable for our sin. We need Your loving discipline. We need to know that You indeed love us and that you take an active interest in our lives. Lord, forgive us when we resist you; we are prone to wander from You and we must have your help to keep us on track. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2022




Prov. 19:2 Zeal without knowledge is not good; a person who moves too quickly may go the wrong way. NLT

There are many people who are easily excitable and motivated. They are quick to jump on board and quick to fall off. They jump in with great gusto and are driven along by their emotions. Zeal is a good and needed thing in the cause of Christ, but zeal without knowledge is a bad thing.

We need to know with our heads and hearts what we are standing for and promoting. We need to be grounded deeply in Truth before we promote it. Knowledge helps us to keep from error. There are many things that have been said and are being said in the name of the Lord that simply are not backed up by Scripture. Many people have been led astray by false teachings and are leading others away simply because they have not taken the time to get grounded in the Word.

We must be students of God’s Word before we become proclaimers of it. We must not let our emotions drive us, but instead let the Spirit drive us through the Word. It is easy to get off track. We must strive to be certain that when we profess to be speaking for the Lord that we really are. More harm than good has been done by wrongly motivated zeal than about anything else in the church.

I am not saying we shouldn’t be zealous about Christ and His Word. We absolutely should be. But, we must be sure that we know what we are talking about when we speak. False teaching causes many people to never know Christ as Savior and Lord. It easily causes people to put their trust and hope for salvation elsewhere.

Study the Word, pray that the Spirit gives you proper understanding of it, and then get all excited and go and tell everybody that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022




Prov. 18:24 There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. NLT

Everybody has “friends”, people who they have fellowship with to some degree. Some friends are better than others. Some so-called friends are self-serving. They are friendly and kind as long as it benefits them in some way or another. When it ceases to be good for them, they are gone. Some “friends” will turn on you when they feel they have been wronged in some way. Some get downright mean.

We need to be wise in whom we befriend. The better we get to know those whom we allow to get close to us, the more we can count on them to be with us as we travel through the rough times of life. A real friend knows us well enough to believe in us and trust us when others forsake us. A real friend cares about what we are facing and comes alongside of us to support and help us. A real friend stands strong on our behalf. A real friend doesn’t go away, even when we may deserve it. A real friend is one who will lovingly help us when we need correction and discipline. A real friend cares about us and will not let us self-destruct without guidance and warning. A real friend can be trusted when the heart is opened up and confidences are shared to not blab them to others.

I have known “friends” and I have real friends. Think about those whom you call friends. Thank the Lord today for those who are real friends. Cherish dearly and nurture those friendships, for they will keep you steady in the storms of life.

Are you a “friend” or a real friend? Can you be trusted to be loyal and supportive of others? Do you embrace or judge others? Do you have compassion for others who are hurting and can you hold in confidence what they may share with you? I challenge you today to let the Lord make you into a real friend. Let Him change whatever needs to be changed in you so that it can be said of you that you are a true-blue friend. There are people you know who need to know that you can be counted on to be a dependable friend.

God expects nothing less out of you than that you be a person of integrity who is a real friend. He has placed you in the lives of others to be His voice to their hearts. Don’t let the Lord or your friend down. Be the kind of a person that others will be proud to call you a friend.

Monday, September 5, 2022




Prov. 18:19 It is harder to make amends with an offended friend than to capture a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with iron bars. NLT

Maybe you can identify with this truth. I know I can. It’s hard to get over the hurdle of hurt feelings. It’s hard to restore a friendship when you feel a trust has been broken or your integrity has been questioned. It is hard to move forward in a relationship that has been harmed by a divisive spirit.

It is important that we do all that we can do to avoid those things that would divide us. It is imperative that we seek to find a peaceful and acceptable resolution for our differences. We can’t let nature take its course and hope for the best. We must first pray and ask the Lord for His help.

We need to search out our own hearts and ask the Lord to help us understand and accept our role in the disagreement. We need to ask the Lord to mellow our hearts and look upon others through the lens of Christ’s love. We need to seek reconciliation to the best of our ability. And then if reconciliation doesn’t happen, we need to ask the Lord to help us move forward with grace and love. We need the Lord’s help to guard our tongues, so we don’t speak in a degrading way about another. We need to ask the Lord to help us to not let emotional poison creep into our hearts. And we need to ask the Lord to hold us accountable for our role in that which has created a rift between us. Where we have sinned, we must humble ourselves and ask the Lord to forgive us and then seek forgiveness from our friend whom we have offended.

Life is too short to let sin ruin a good friendship. Is there a friendship that needs restored in your life? Do you need to talk to the Lord about it? Is there anything you have to ask Him for forgiveness for? Is there anything you need to reach out to your lost friend and apologize for? You may not be able to restore the friendship, but as far as it is possible for you to do, you must do your part and try if you want to live in peace with God and yourself.

Sunday, September 4, 2022




Prov. 18:13 What a shame, what folly, to give advice before listening to the facts! NLT

It happens all the time. People are quick to give advice before they know the facts. It takes time to discern truth from fiction. One must listen carefully and give careful thought to what he hears. One must be sure that what he hears is actually what the truth is. We are not God and mistakes are made, but we can avoid a lot of mistakes in the advice we give by doing our homework first. There are several reasons why we are not very good listeners.

We tend to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We think of ourselves as being wise and able to readily share our wisdom with others. We often consider ourselves able to discern truth from error without much investigation. We often are very poor listeners, wanting to talk more than listen. We often are not really knowledgeable about the subject at hand and do not want to admit it. We sometimes consider ourselves too busy to take the time to listen to the facts.

Whatever the reason, poor listeners give more often than not poor advice. We lead others astray and create problems for them and ultimately ourselves. It is foolish to give advice without knowing what we are talking about. We lose our respectability and the trust of others. We become the problem instead of the problem solver.

Wise is he who is grounded in the Word of God so that when advice is sought for he can speak from the context of the Scriptures. Wise is he who is so in touch with the Lord that he knows when to keep silent about things he is not able to adequately give advice on. Wise is he who understands that he does not know all things and is not too proud to admit it. Wise is he who loves others enough to not lead them astray with bad advice.

God gives us minds to use properly, to help one another think and act Biblically about things. Let us be careful when we give advice. Let us be sure that we are grounded in the Word and know the facts before we speak.

Saturday, September 3, 2022




Prov. 18:12 Haughtiness goes before destruction, humility before honor. NLT

Haughtiness is pride. It is patting one’s self on the back when something noteworthy is accomplished. It is the sense that I did it, that I am of greater worth because of what I was able to do. Pride elevates our self-worth in our own eyes, if even for just a moment. Pride can very easily become self-destructive. It can cause us to think better of ourselves than we should. It can cause us to exclude God from the mix. Pride is more about me than it is about God or others. It is very hard to keep pride in check and that is why a humble spirit is a much better way to go.

Humility is fertile soil for a healthy soul. It is an awareness that we owe to the Lord all of our talents and giftedness, and without Him, we can do nothing. Humility is more about seeking to honor the Lord than self. It is keeping one’s self in check and letting the Lord worry about the honoring. Humility is a badge of honor from the Lord that we ought to wear always. If you please the whole world and do not please God, what have you gained?

How does one go about being humble? Humility is gained by keeping your relationship with the Lord what it should be. It is depending on the Lord for all things and recognizing that all things that you are and are able to do is from the Lord. It is knowing that you are created by God to fill a specific role in life and your ability to do it is because of God’s gifts to you. Humility is understanding that God owes you nothing and you owe Him everything. It is understanding that you are chosen by God, redeemed by God, and kept by God alone. Humble are those who seek God’s honor and glory, and not their own.

Watch over your soul carefully. Be honest about yourself. When you see pride creeping in, confess it to the Lord. Do not let it get a foothold in your heart, because it can destroy your soul. In all things, seek to honor Christ and resist the temptation to feed off the honor others may bestow on you. Be gracious when others praise you and redirect their praises to God who alone is worthy to be praised.

Friday, September 2, 2022




Prov. 17:27 A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered. NLT

It’s hard to be wise isn’t it? We like to express our opinions. In a time in which self is promoted so heavily by the world, everyone wants to be heard. We want to know that what we know matters. We believe we have THE answer to whatever is the hot topic of a conversation. We are quick to speak and slow to think about what we say before we say it.

The problem is, we are often proven to be wrong in what we say. Without careful thought we often speak without being properly informed. We are not as smart as we think we are and often put ourselves in awkward situations. When we talk too much, we become exposed. Our lack of knowledge and understanding becomes evident and others soon tune us out. Very few people like to be around people who think they know it all. A wise person doesn’t have to talk all the time. He is patient and speaks what is truth rather than what he thinks. He knows the value of keeping quiet on topics he is not knowledgeable enough to speak on. A wise person listens to what others say so he can learn from them.

A wise person is even-tempered because he doesn’t need to always prove himself to others. He understands what he knows. He understands his limitations and is comfortable with them. He understands that he doesn’t have to be heard all the time. He is not hung up on himself and does not have to be in control.

If you find yourself needing to dominate, take it to the Lord. You need understanding on why it is important to control your tongue and keep your opinions to yourself. You need to learn the value of self-control. Wise are those who don’t open their mouths and make fools of themselves.

Thursday, September 1, 2022




Prov. 17:9 Disregarding another person’s faults preserves love; telling about them separates close friends. NLT

We have a problem that doesn’t go away. We are prone to see the faults in people more than we do their good qualities. We magnify flaws more than we should. It is easy to see what’s wrong with others and overlook what is right with them. We do it for a variety of reasons. Probably the greatest reason is that when we do it, we forget about ourselves and our flaws. As long as we can point fingers at others, we can forget how needy we are to change. We live in denial. We think we are better off than we really are. We think we are justified in comparing others to ourselves and calling them up short.

First of all, we need to see ourselves for who we really are before God and not man. How we stack up to others is not even in the formula. All that matters is how God sees us. He sees our heart and knows our thoughts. He is never fooled by the way we portray ourselves. The sooner we accept this truth, the better we are.

We must then confess to the Lord what He reveals to us. We must not excuse ourselves or let it slide. We have need of confession for our sins. We have no business looking down on others because they are sinners when we ourselves are guilty of sin. We must take the log out of our own eyes before we take upon ourselves the duty of trying to take the splinter out of someone else’s eyes.

Love dictates that we mind our own business when it comes to the faults of others. We need to embrace others in love. We need to focus on the good in them and let the Lord take care of the rest. If there is something that should be pointed out for someone’s good because it is the loving thing to do, we should do it prayerfully and carefully. We should always do it out of love and never with a condescending or judgmental spirit.

Criticizing others drives them away from us. No one wants to be around someone who is always finding fault. The best way to be friendless is to have a critical and judgmental spirit. If you find yourself with very few friends, perhaps you need to look in the mirror and take an honest look at yourself as you stand before God.