Prov. 24:1,2 Don’t envy evil people; don’t desire their company. For they spend their days plotting violence, and their words are always stirring up trouble. NLT
Got it? Don’t envy evil people; don’t hang around them. Period. Why? Because when evil rules the heart, nothing good can come from it. What comes out of the mind and mouth of a person is what is in the heart. A sinful heart is bent on destruction. There is a natural need for a sinful heart to self-destruct and bring evil to those around him. A sinful heart drags down those around him instead of building him up.
Sinful people need godly friends. They need people who will help them find their way out of their sinful lifestyle and find their way to the Lord. They need people to care for their souls enough to befriend them. They don’t need people to participate with them in their sinful lifestyles.
But, we must always protect our own souls and not allow our friendships to pull us away from the Lord. Never let your guard down lest you too fall into sin. Be aware of the powerful and subtle draw of sin. The deeper the friendship, the more careful you must be lest you are drawn into a life of sin.
Don’t envy the life of a sinner. He has nothing you need. Rather, you have what he needs. Don’t shun him, but neither do you want to let your friendship draw you away from the Lord. Influence sinners for Christ, don’t be influenced by them.