Wednesday, March 31, 2021




Gen. 40:8 And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but there is no one here to tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Tell me what you saw.” NLT

The cupbearer and chief baker had gotten on Pharaoh’s bad side. They were cast into the prison where Joseph was being kept. They had been in prison for quite some time and one night they both had dreams that they did not understand. They were troubled and it showed. Joseph noticed the way they looked and asked them what was wrong. Although he was in prison for something he did not do, Joseph did not wallow around in self-pity. He reached out in compassion to the cupbearer and the chief baker.

Joseph did not take credit for something that he had no control over. God had given him a gift of interpreting dreams and he gave the credit where the credit is due. He acknowledged that it was from God, not him. No one deserves or can take credit for the gifts God gives them. God disperses gifts for His purposes and will. We are just caretakers and managers of them.

Joseph had an opportunity to do good and he seized it. He could have not gotten involved and simply let his fellow prisoners rot in the prison with him, but he didn’t. He preferred to be part of the solution than the problem; he used his gift for the good. We, too, need to use our gifts for the good and give the glory to God. We need to not sit idly by and let others suffer due to our lack of involvement. God uses those who are willing to be used. Let the Lord have His way with you and make a difference for Him in the world you live in.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021




Gen. 39:19-21 After hearing his wife’s story, Potiphar was furious! He took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the kings’ prisoners were held. But the Lord was with Joseph there, too, and he granted Joseph favor with the chief jailer. NLT

Potiphar reacted like most men would when confronted with the fact that someone had tried to take advantage of his wife. He listened to his wife’s story and believed her. He did not hesitate to check out the facts; instead. he immediately went into a rage and had Joseph put into prison. He didn’t stop to think about how outstanding Joseph had proven to be or how trustworthy he had proven himself to be. He didn’t even think about whether or not he was innocent or guilty. He was guilty simply because his wife said he was.

Maybe you have been on the bad end of things through no fault of your own. Perhaps you have been accused of things you have not done and been found guilty of them. Perhaps no one even bothered to listen to your side of the story. It is an awful situation to be in. It hurts deeply that you had been wrongly accused and not give a chance to explain your side of the story.

How did Joseph handle the situation? He did not linger in self-pity. He did not give up. He continued doing what he had been doing all along; he served the Lord where he was planted. He did not choose to be thrust into a prison. If he had a choice in the matter, I am quite sure he would not have gone there. In fact, it wasn’t all that long ago that he had been thrown into a pit by his brothers and sold to a group of travelers passing through on their way to Egypt. He did not let his circumstances stop him from doing what was right before God. He discovered God was with him where he was at. He made the most of the situation and served the Lord where he was at. And soon, he shined brightly in his new surroundings.

No matter what your circumstances may be, do what is right before God. Let your light shine where you are and you, too, will find favor with the Lord.

Monday, March 29, 2021




Gen. 39: 11-12 One day, however, no one else was around when he was doing his work inside the house. She came and grabbed him by his shirt, demanding, “Sleep with me!” Joseph tore himself away, but as he did, his shirt came off. She was left holding it as he ran from the house. NLT

Potiphar’s wife had been lusting after Joseph for a while. He was a handsome young man and she imagined what it would be like to sleep with him. She had a sinful heart and was not satisfied with the life she shared with Potiphar. She tried several times to seduce him, but to no avail. Then the day came when she had her chance to be alone with Joseph and she put on the pressure.

Most young, single men would have a hard time resisting the temptation. No one else was in the house, no one would ever know. In the face of such aggression, I am sure Joseph’s hormones would have been raging. Yet, Joseph was not like most young men. He did not see his situation as an opportunity to enjoy sin’s pleasures; he saw it as an opportunity to sin against God. He loved the Lord and daily sought to please Him and Joseph knew that such an act would not please God at all. In fact, being with Potiphar’s wife would bring him much guilt and shame before God. For Joseph, the price was way too steep. He would rather do what is right before God than to enjoy sin’s fleeting pleasure.

Joseph did not stay around to discuss the issue or reason things out. He knew he had to flee his temptation and do it now. He ran from Potiphar’s wife, leaving his shirt behind him. She did not take this rejection lightly and immediately spread lies about Joseph, claiming he had tried to seduce her and ran when she screamed for help.

The time to determine to do what is right before God is before we are tempted, not when we are being tempted. We need to resolve in our hearts and minds that we are not going to sin against God and mean it. Understanding that sin’s momentary pleasures set us at odds with God ought to cause us to want not to sin. Determine in your heart today that you will not sin against God and flee from that which tempts you. You will be blessed by God and glad you did.

Sunday, March 28, 2021




Gen. 39:2-3 The LORD was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master. Potiphar noticed this and realized that the LORD was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. NLT

Who doesn’t like to be noticed? Most people want others to acknowledge their existence and will do things to make sure that others know they exist. Most of the things that get people noticed are bad. Bad things make the headlines. Bad characters stand out from the crowd. We feast on the bad things people do. Who doesn’t read the local paper or listen to the news without an interest in what someone has done wrong or said? The more popular a person is, the more their bad side makes the news. It is those who entertain sinfully that are most popular.

Most of the time when a person does good things, it goes unnoticed. Good deeds are taken for granted and seldom get recognized or acknowledged. When a person never seems to get noticed, they tend to do something that will get them noticed.

Joseph was a young man blessed by God. He always tried to do the right thing. He was successful in the carrying out of his duties. He stood out, not for his bad side, but for his good side. Potiphar, his master, even noticed the hand of God on him. Even though he was not a believer, Potiphar was impressed by Joseph’s goodness. It makes me wonder about our goodness.

Is being noticed a big deal for you? What do people notice about you, your goodness or your bad side? Are you striving to please the Lord in all you do? It should be enough for the Lord to notice you. Nothing you do escapes His notice. He blesses those who strive to do and be good in all they do.

Saturday, March 27, 2021




Gen. 37:5,9a One night Joseph had a dream and promptly reported the details to his brothers, causing them to hate him even more.....Then Joseph had another dream and told his brothers about it..… NLT

God had revealed to Joseph what was going to happen in his life. He let Joseph know that he would rise up to a position of prominence and power and would rule over his family. It was not uncommon for God to speak to certain people before Jesus came in dreams, visions, through angels, and sometimes verbally. God spoke to those who would fill a specific role in helping the nation of Israel be a people of God. He raised up prophets, judges, kings, etc. from all walks of life to serve Him in influential positions from amongst His people.

Joseph shared with his brothers, and then his father, what he had dreamed. They did not dismiss his dreams. Instead, they took them to be what they were, predictions of what was to come. This did not sit well with his brothers; they were already jealous of the way Jacob treated him and their emotions toward him turned to hatred.

There will always be those who won’t like it when we share with them what God is doing and will do in the future. It is not unusual for some people to downright hate us because we speak the truth. People take offense at the Gospel because no one wants to hear that they are not good enough for heaven. No one wants to be told they are heading for hell. The Gospel message is offensive to the world; it always has been and always will be.

Yet, we should never not share the Gospel just because some do not accept it. We should never allow those who oppose the Gospel to quiet us. We are mandated by God to share the Gospel with the world. If we don’t, we are disobeying God and will answer to Him for it. We can’t help how people will receive the Word of God; that is between them and God. Tell whoever you can, whenever you can, the Good News. God has promised that it will not return to Him void. It will always do well, whether we see the good or not. There are some people who will only hear and respond to the Gospel if YOU tell them because of your connection to them or your particular personality. Don’t let anyone go to hell because you did not do your part.

Friday, March 26, 2021




Gen. 35:9-10 God appeared to Jacob once again when he arrived at Bethel after traveling from Paddam-aram. God blessed him and said, “Your name is no longer Jacob; you will now be called Israel.” NLT

Something had happened to Jacob, something life-changing. Jacob was a successful man. He had accumulated much wealth, had a large family, much livestock, and was relatively at peace with God. Yet, God knew that Jacob was not where he should be with Him so He spoke to him upon several occasions. God had reminded him of His promise to bless Abraham’s seed and that it would now be through him. God was constantly at work in Jacob’s life to make him into a servant who would love and honor Him. Jacob finally arrived and God blessed him with a new name, a name that depicted his new character and life.

What has the Lord been doing in your life to change you? Are you the same person you have always been, or is there marked improvements in your character and living? God does not give up on us even when we give up on ourselves. He knows who we can be and persistently works to help us become that person. As long as we don’t resist Him, God will make us into servants who will honor Him and love Him in all we do.

God promises to make us new creations in Him, but He won’t do it without our cooperation. If you are not the person you know you should, or could be, then you need to pause and admit to the Lord your resistance, ask Him to forgive you for being so stubborn, and give Him all your heart, mind, and soul. If you do, you will soon see the new you begin to happen and you will be very pleased, as will God who wants nothing but the best for you.

Thursday, March 25, 2021




Gen. 35:1 God said to Jacob, “Now move on to Bethel and settle there. Build an altar there to worship me—the God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother, Esau.” NLT

When God speaks, do you listen? Has God laid on your heart things to do and you are dragging your feet? What is keeping you from obeying the Lord? What is keeping you from trusting Him?

God has a plan for you. He knows where you need to be in order to fulfill that plan. He knows that until you cooperate and obey Him, things won’t go as well for you as they could and should. He knows you will be happiest when you obey Him. He knows what a difference you will make in the world when you obey Him. So, He is calling to you, “Trust and obey, me. Just do what I am telling you to do. I will be there with you and for you. Don’t delay; just do it. And when you get off your duff and obey Me, be sure to first pause to worship Me.”

Worship draws us closer to God. It draws our attention to Him. It helps us to have a purpose and meaning for what we do. It’s all about the Lord. Whatever we do in life, if we do it for the Lord’s honor and glory, He will bless it. Listen to God and obey Him. You will be glad you did.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021




Gen.32:28 “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the man told him. “It is now Israel, because you have struggled with both God and men and have won.” NLT

Jacob was all alone in the camp on his way to see Esau, his brother. He had sent his wives, children, and concubines across the Jabbok River. He wanted to do all he could do to protect them from Esau, in case Esau was looking for revenge on him. He knew that things could get ugly for him and he needed to be alone with God. He was visited by someone from heaven in the form of a man. We are not told who this man was, but I suspect he might have been the pre-incarnate Christ. Whoever he was, Jacob wrestled with Him all night long. He would not let go unless this man of God blessed him.

Faith in God is not always easy. In fact, if it ever becomes easy for you, you need to find out what is wrong with you. We struggle to remain true to the Lord. We struggle to always trust what God says. We struggle to act when it makes no sense at all to act. We struggle with getting out of our comfort zones. We struggle with letting go of those things we don’t understand and trusting God with them. We struggle, and many throw in the towel when things don’t go their way. Many do not follow Jacob’s example; he would not let go of the man until he was victorious.

The key to victory is always perseverance. He who gives up too soon never comes out on top. A well-fought struggle with God reaps great rewards. God changes us into the people He knows we can, and should be. We may fight for all we are worth against His changes, but God’s ways are always the best ways. Let the Lord have His way with you. Don’t keep struggling against Him. Let go and let Him have His way. When you do, you will discover just how great life in Christ can really be.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021




Gen. 31:3 Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your father and grandfather and to your relatives there, and I will be with you.” NLT

Jacob had been away from his homeland for twenty years. God had promised him that the land would be the possession of his descendants. Jacob had gotten comfortable in the land where he lived. He had married the daughters of Laban, fathered many children, and had acquired great wealth. He had a good life working for Laban and he was by this time getting along in years. Yet, he was not where God wanted him to be. It was time for him to uproot his family and move back home, to the land God had promised Abraham that it would be his descendants. God worked things out so that Jacob and his wives were all in agreement and he instilled a spirit of disfavor in the hearts of Laban and his sons towards Jacob.

Some people seem to be on the move all the time. Others settle into a location and lifestyle and never move. It’s not easy to pick up and move, especially when your roots are deep in a community. Moving affects your family, friends, and security. It is usually an adventure into the unknown and is often done with many questions on one’s mind.

Yet, when a move is ordained by God, He helps us to take the leap of faith and do it. He knows what lies ahead of us in the unknown. He knows what He has for us to do. He knows the difference we will be making in the lives of others. He never leads us to move out of our comfort zone without having some better good in store for us.

Jacob’s future was going to be filled with many unexpected events right up until his death. He would eventually end up in Egypt and die there. Jacob had learned very valuable lessons in his life by listening to God and moving back home. The Lord always knows best and when we follow His leading, He blesses and works things out for our good and His glory. Don’t be afraid to obey the Lord and do what He bids you to do. He has what is best for you, your family, and others in mind. God can always be trusted to do what is best for you.

Monday, March 22, 2021




Gen. 28:20-21 Then Jacob made this vow: “If God will be with me and protect me on this journey and give me food and clothing, and if he will bring me back safely to my father, then I will make the Lord my God.” NLT

Jacob was on a mission. He had left home and was on a journey to find a wife from amongst his cousins in Paddan-aram. Isaac had sent him on his way after Rebekah had persuaded Isaac to not let Jacob marry a local girl. She was concerned for Jacob’s safety since Esau had vowed that he would take revenge on Jacob and kill him for robbing him of his birthright and blessings.

While on his way, he stopped to spend the night at Bethel where an angel visited with him in a dream. Jacob must have been afraid and had a lot of questions go through his mind. He was on the run for his life, he was visited by an angel who told him that God was going to fulfill His promise to Abraham and Isaac through him, and he did not know what was ahead of him. What kind of a girl would he find? Would he love her and would she love him? Would he ever return home? Would Esau chase after him? What if his mission was a failure? Would God really keep His promise to him?

Jacob then made a vow that if things worked out and God did make his journey successful, that he would make Him his God and Lord. Up until this time Jacob had not fully committed himself to the Lord. He knew that God was, but He was not yet his. He still believed that God was his because Isaac and Rebekah had faith in Him.

It’s not good enough to believe that God is, we must personally embrace Him. We must make a life commitment to Him. We must develop a personal relationship with Him by giving Him all of our heart, mind, and soul. We must give Jesus full access to our hearts. We must confess all of our sins to Him and ask for His forgiveness. We must then determine in our hearts that we will no longer travel down the pathway of sin. We then must strive to live humbly and obediently to Him in holiness of heart. It is then, and only then, that we can honestly declare that God is ours and we are His.

Sunday, March 21, 2021




Gen. 28:10-12 Meanwhile Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone for a pillow and lay down to sleep. As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from earth to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down on it. NLT

Jacob was in a good place; he was in a place where he would meet with God. How long has it been since you were in a good place? It is so easy to get distracted and get in a place where we don’t hear from God. It’s easy to let the things of life take the place of God in our lives. How do we keep ourselves in a place where we can hear from God?

One of the most obvious things we can do is to read our Bibles faithfully. God speaks through His Word. It is there that God has made known to us His ways. It is there that God instructs us on how to live holy lives. It is there that we find renewed encouragement as we see God working in the lives of others. It is there that we are given hope for both today and our tomorrows. It is there that we see ourselves as God sees us. God continues to speak to us today when we faithfully read His Word.

Another thing we should be doing faithfully is pray. God speaks to us in prayer. When we intentionally set aside time in our daily living to spend time in the presence of God, God speaks to us. He tells us about ourselves. He tells us what He wants us to do. He tells us who we ought to pray for. It is in our prayer time that we are drawn closest to God. It is there that we have intimate fellowship with the Lord.

Another thing we should be doing is being in a place of worship, a place where we express our adoration for God and give Him praise and thanksgiving. Whether we are in a group setting with other worshipers or by ourselves, we need time alone with God. We need to appreciate the handiwork of God in, and outside of, us. God speaks to those who sincerely lift up their souls in worship.

Saturday, March 20, 2021




Gen. 27: 36 Esau said bitterly, “No wonder his name is Jacob, for he has deceived me twice, first taking my birthright and now stealing my blessing. Oh, haven’t you saved even one blessing for me?” NLT

Esau blamed Jacob for his troubles, but in reality, he was to blame. Earlier he had given to Jacob his birthright in exchange for some food. He was famished and deemed food at the moment to be more important than his birthright. As the firstborn son, he was entitled to double the blessings from his father. He was to be held in high esteem in the family and essentially the primary heir to the family name. Esau did not value his rightful place in the family lineage as more important than his hunger pangs.

Now, with the help of his mother, Rebekah, Jacob fooled Isaac and took away Esau’s blessings from their father. It was not the right thing to do, but it worked. Isaac elevated Jacob to the position as heir of the family’s lineage. He was to be the one God would bless to carry out His promise He had made to Abraham and Isaac. We are not told why God allowed this to happen, but we trust in God’s sovereign will. God knew the heart of both men and knew which one would be a better vessel to use to fulfill His promise.

Bitterness is the natural response of the heart who forfeits God’s blessings. Hopeless and helpless is the soul who does not value God in his life. There is an emptiness that cannot be filled by the things of this world. Any satisfaction that is gained from worldly things is fleeting, leaving the soul in worse shape than before. Ignoring God always creates a void in the soul that never can be filled. Misery is not uncommon when God is rejected.

Don’t be like Esau who valued life without God’s blessings. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Seek the pleasures of heaven and not the earth. Value highly God’s role in your life and you, like Jacob, will be blessed. It is far better to be at peace with God and have nothing on earth than to have everything the world has to offer and not have God.

Friday, March 19, 2021




Gen. 26:25 Then Isaac built an altar there and worshiped the LORD. He set up his camp at that place, and his servants dug a well. NLT

God had just appeared to Isaac and promised him His blessings. Isaac was God’s chosen vessel to help carry out His promise to Abraham. God promised Isaac what He had promised to Abraham and told him to not be afraid, that He would be with him, that he would have many descendants, and that they would become a great nation.

Isaac’s response was a good one. He immediately built an altar and worshiped the Lord. There are times in which the Lord draws near and blesses us. He reassures us of His promises to take care of us, to be with us. How do we respond to God during those times when He is near and precious to us?

The only good response is the same response Isaac had. He paused from whatever he was doing, built an altar, and worshiped the Lord. He understood the importance of turning to God to thank and praise Him. He understood the importance of humbling himself before God. He understood that God alone deserved credit for his blessings and future.

We, too, need to always acknowledge God’s presence and role in our lives. We need to humbly bow before Him as our Lord and God. We need to give Him the credit due Him. We need to praise the Lord and give Him thanks for the bountifulness of our blessings. Anytime is a good time to pause and worship the Lord. Anytime is a good time to acknowledge the Lord’s presence with us and give Him thanks and praise. Anytime is a good time to delight yourself in the Lord. The Psalmist declares that the Lord blesses those who delight themselves in Him (Psalm 37:4).

Thursday, March 18, 2021




Gen. 26:5-6 “I will do this because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, regulations, and laws.” So Isaac stayed in Gerar. NLT

A severe famine had struck the land and Isaac had given thought to going to Egypt with his family. God paid Isaac a visit and told him not to do it. He reminded Isaac of His promise to bless his father, Abraham, in the land and multiply his descendants there. His promise was that through Abraham’s descendants all the nations of the earth would be blessed.

Abraham was promised such a huge blessing because he listened to God and obeyed Him. He didn’t just obey Him, he obeyed all of God’s requirements, commands, regulations, and laws. In other words, Abraham put his feet where his mouth was. He didn’t just believe in God’s laws, he lived them. He did his best to walk the walk of his talk. He took God and His ways seriously and as a result, God kept His word to Abraham through his son, Isaac.

Imagine what could happen if we were to live like Abraham lived. God blesses those who take Him and His Word seriously. He honors those who honor Him. One of the things that most people struggle with is taking God seriously enough. I don’t believe there is enough effort put into trying to live by God’s standards. We don’t think holiness is that big of a deal. We want just enough of a relationship with God to get by. We don’t want all that God has for us or want to do all that He requires of us.

Is it any wonder why there is such shallowness in most who profess to be Christians? Don’t be like most. Come out from among them and be like Abraham. Obey all the requirements, commands, regulations, and laws of God to the best of your ability and see what the Lord will do for you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021




Gen. 25:20-21 When Isaac was forty years old, he married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddam-aran and the sister of Laban. Isaac pleaded with the LORD to give Rebekah a child because she was childless. So the LORD answered Isaac’s prayer, and his wife became pregnant with twins. NLT

What difference does prayer make? Have you ever asked yourself that question? There are things that we pray for that we never see come to pass. There are people and situations that never change. After a while doubts begin to creep in. You wonder why pray since nothing seems to come of it.

Isaac prayed for Rebekah, his wife, to have a child. We don’t know how long Isaac had been praying for her. We don’t know if Rebekah herself had been praying for a child. All we are told is that God did indeed hear Isaac’s prayer and allowed Rebekah to become pregnant. We do notice though that Isaac’s prayer took on a sense of desperation. They wanted a child so badly; he pleaded with God.

Sometimes God doesn’t seem to move when we pray because we aren’t persistent enough. We don’t get what we want when we want it so we give up on God and quit praying. Jesus told us when we pray to not give up, to keep on praying with faith believing. He told us when we pray persistently in the will of God that what we pray for will come to pass. We also need to pray with purpose. We need to want what we pray for from the depths of our souls. At times we need to plead with God.

God answered Isaac’s prayer; He gave him what he prayed for. But notice, God not only allowed Rebekah to have a child, but she also became pregnant with twins! God gave much more than what was asked for! Trust the Lord when you pray and don’t give up. Pray in the will of God until the Lord opens up heaven’s doors and honors your prayers. God does indeed answer the prayers of His children when they pray submissively to His will.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021




Gen. 24:6-7 “No!” Abraham warned. “Be careful never to take my son there. For the Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and my native land, solemnly promised to give this land to my offspring. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son’s wife. NLT

Abraham was old and wanted to provide a wife for his son, Isaac. He instructed his trusted servant to go find a wife for Isaac. The servant had asked Abraham if it would be okay to take Isaac to her and let him live there if she would not be willing to come to Isaac. Abraham would have nothing to do with that idea.

What jumps out at me is the reason Abraham gave his servant for not letting Isaac settle in a different land. God had made a promise to Abraham many years before and Abraham was standing strong on God’s promise. Even though he had not yet seen the promise fulfilled, he trusted in God. He had lived a long life and had not yet seen what God had promised. Yet, Abraham believed God. He refused to give up on God. He knew that God was faithful and would keep His word to him.

It’s so easy to just give up on God when things don’t come together as we think they should or when we think they should. It’s easy to blame God when His promises don’t seemingly come to pass. We pray and ask the Lord in believing faith to change things. We stand on the promises of God and expect to see the changes. Many stumble and fall over God’s delays or when He acts in a different way than when expected.

Abraham knew that God was faithful and would keep His word. He believed that God would provide a wife for Isaac and that she would come to him in his own land. God promised and Abraham stood on His promise. We may not always see what we want to see when we want to see them from God, but God is faithful. He never makes a promise He does not keep. You can trust God and build your life on what He says.

Monday, March 15, 2021




Gen. 22:18 “….and through your descendants, all nations of the earth will be blessed—all because you have obeyed me.” NLT

Abraham did the unthinkable. He had just willingly laid his son Isaac down on an altar to sacrifice him to the Lord. For all intents and purposes, Isaac was no more. Abraham had given him to the Lord because that is what God had demanded of him. It was at the very last moment that God stayed the hand of Abraham and spared Isaac’s life.

How willing are we to give to the Lord our all? Are we willing to let go of anything the Lord asks of us? Perhaps the Lord has called your son or daughter to go across the world to serve Him. Perhaps the Lord has called your child to do things that you are uncomfortable with or do not fit into your plans for your child. Perhaps the Lord is calling your spouse to do something that you don’t want to do. Are you willing to lay your all on the altar and let the Lord have it all? The Lord blessed the world because Abraham obeyed God and willingly gave his all to Him. We have no idea what the Lord wants to do through our children. They may rise up and have worldwide influence, or they may just impact a very few amount of people for Christ. The point is that we may very well hinder a mighty work of God in our children’s lives by our unwillingness to let go of them and entrust them to the Lord’s care. We may ultimately be a great stumbling block for the salvation of many souls if we withhold from Him our all.

Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid, or are you holding something back from Him? It may not be your children. Are you withholding any part of you from the Lord? You will never be who God wants you to be until you give Him your all. The Lord blesses greatly those who give Him all of their heart, mind, and soul.

Sunday, March 14, 2021




Gen. 22:15-17 Then the angel of the LORD called again to Abraham from heaven. “This is what the LORD says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your beloved son, I swear by my own self that I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore.” NLT

Abraham loved the Lord more than anything else on earth. He loved his wife, Sarah, and Isaac, his son, with all his heart, but not more than the Lord. He was willing to give up the only son God had given to him through his wife as a love sacrifice because God asked him to. It was the ultimate test of Abraham’s faith and love for God. Because Abraham did not just say he loved God, he proved it. God not only spared Isaac’s life, He promised to bless Abraham richly by giving him more descendants through Isaac than could be counted.

The issue before us today is,” How much do we really love God?” We say we love Him and our allegiance is to Him, but is it really? In what ways do we really put the Lord before anyone or anything else in our lives? How does our love for Christ affect us? Is it reflected in all we do and say? Does our love for Him cause us to pause and consider how we act and think might reflect on Him or affect our relationship with Him? Do we give Him the best of our lives or the leftovers?

The true test of our faith and love for the Lord is seen in what we are willing to give up for Him. He probably will never ask us to do what He asked Abraham to do, but He does demand that we give Him our whole heart, mind, and soul. He commands that we give Him all that we are before we give priority to anyone or anything else. He asks us to willingly keep Him first in our allegiance. He will not bless those who have divided loyalties.

To whom or what are you loyal to? Before you answer that too quickly, your loyalty is determined by the amount of time, energy, and passion you put into something. It is what you are willing to invest your life into. It is more action than it is talk. It is what drives you, what defines your life. What has the most prominence in your life? What do you spend the most energy and time pursuing? Be honest with yourself.

If you are truly loyal to the Lord and He is your Lord, you will follow and obey Him explicitly, no matter how difficult it may seem to be. The Lord honors and blesses the lives of all who are loyal to Him.

Saturday, March 13, 2021




Gen. 22:14 Abraham named the place, “The LORD Will Provide.” This name has now become a proverb. “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.” NLT

You may be climbing up a mountain today. You may be facing a situation you just don’t know how to overcome. You may be so tired and weary from the climb that you just want to give up. You may be beaten down to the point where discouragement rules your heart. Hear the words of Abraham today, “The Lord Will Provide.” Dear friend, no matter how big your mountain may be today, the Lord will provide what you need to conquer it. He will not fail you.

You may not see which way to go; the Lord will show you the way. You may not see how it is possible to overcome your mountain; the Lord will provide the means, one step at a time. You may be all alone in your struggles; the Lord will provide you with all the companionship you need. Whatever you may be dealing with in your life today, the Lord will provide all that you need to overcome and be victorious.

Dear friend, let these words sink deep into your soul; believe them. “The Lord Will Provide.” Let the peace of God flood your soul. “The Lord Will Provide.” Let your soul swell up in praise and thanksgiving. “The Lord Will Provide.” Let your soul be strengthened and hope restored. “The Lord Will Provide.” Humble yourself before the Lord and worship Him. “The Lord Will Provide.”

If you are fortunate enough to not be climbing up a mountain today, don’t worry; you will. And when you approach your mountain, let these words resonate deep within your soul, “The Lord Will Provide.” There is no such thing as an insurmountable mountain when Jesus is Lord and leading the way.

Friday, March 12, 2021




Gen. 22:8 “God will provide a lamb, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both went on together. NLT

Abraham and Isaac were on their way to Mount Moriah where God had told Abraham he was to offer his son, Isaac, up on an altar as a sacrifice to Him.

Here was an interesting scenario. God had told Abraham to take his son, Isaac, up to the mountain to offer him up as a sacrifice to Him. It was a very puzzling and difficult thing for Abraham. It didn’t make any sense at all for God to ask that of him. Isaac was the son God had given him in his old age; he was the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. Isaac was dearly loved by Abraham and Sarah, his wife. God was asking Abraham to let go of the most cherished thing in his life, his son. Yet, Abraham’s love for God and confidence in God’s love for him moved him to obey. He didn’t understand God’s ways, but he did understand God’s character enough to know that God would provide for him.

Isaac too had some real testings of faith. He knew that a sacrifice required a lamb; yet, there was none. He had learned from his father the importance of sacrifices and how they were done. He knew that his father was going to offer up a sacrifice in obedience to God’s command. As they drew closer to the place of sacrifice, I believe that Isaac must have realized what was about to happen. He traveled along with his father, trusting in him because Abraham trusted in God. Isaac too had to have a strong faith in God in order for him to not revolt and flee from the moment of impending danger.

Buoyed by a trust rooted in the character of God whom they loved, they continued on in their journey. They did not know the whys or understand how this was going to be a good thing, but they trusted in God.

We too can trust in God when we are faced with circumstances that make no sense to us at all. We too can trust Him to provide what we need in our journey of faith. We can trust God no matter what, because trust is rooted in the character of God who is holy love and only does that which is good for us.

What is going on in life doesn’t always make sense to us. Will you trust in God? He never changes. His ways are always bathed in holy love. Be patient and God will provide what you need and it will always be good.

Thursday, March 11, 2021




Gen. 22:8 “God will provide a lamb, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both went on together. NLT

God will provide for himself a sacrifice. He always makes it possible for man’s sin to be atoned for. Without God’s provision, there is no hope for man to be saved.

Long before God gave Moses the law and the means whereby man could have his sins forgiven, Abraham offered sacrificial offerings unto the Lord. He had a heart for God and desired to show God his love through his offerings. It is interesting to note that every offering Abraham offered to God cost him something. By his actions, Abraham showed his reverence, respect, and regard for God.

God provided for us a Savior. In Christ. we are saved from our sins. He is the only sacrifice God will accept. There is no other way for us to have our sins forgiven. We know we are forgiven by how we respond to Christ in the way we live, think, and react to life. Those who are forgiven value highly their salvation and their Savior. Appreciation for Christ’s saving grace should flood every believer’s heart every day.

Children of God should have an unwavering confidence in their salvation. They should have a reverence for God that overshadows their lives. They should be moved to worship the Lord, not out of duty, but out of a love for Him that compels them to fall on their knees before Him. The redeemed respect God. They appreciate who He is and show their respect for Him by how they live and how they treat Him. They have a high regard God. They think about how God’s presence affects their living. They strive to live honorably before God. They take seriously God’s ways and strive to live holy lives. The Lord is not just a part of our living; He is our living.

If you are struggling with your confidence in your salvation today, go to God’s Word and claim it. God declares that when we come to Christ in faith, confess our sins, seek forgiveness for our sins, and give our hearts to Him, we are saved. Trust what God says, not what your feelings may be saying to you or what others may say to you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021




Gen. 22:6-7 Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac’s shoulders, while he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, Isaac said, “Father?” “Yes, my son,” Abraham replied. “We have the wood and the fire, but where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” NLT

Much has been written and said about this event in Abraham and Isaac’s lives. It has been preached and taught how it relates to the love of God for us shown by His willingness to let Jesus come and die for our sins. It is good for us to meditate on God’s sacrificial love for us.

I want us to think for a moment about Isaac. Isaac knew what was needed in order for a sacrifice to take place. How? The only reasonable explanation is that Abraham had taught him by his words and actions. This wasn’t the only time Abraham had made a sacrifice to the Lord in the presence of Isaac. I am confident that this was a regular part of their lives.

Isaac trusted his father. Even though he did not understand what was going on, he knew that his father would not fail to do what is right before God. He knew that whatever was about to happen, his father could be trusted. At this point, Isaac did not know he was to be the sacrifice, but Abraham did. Isaac rested in the faith of his father as they walked on together.

Abraham didn’t just teach Isaac about his faith; he lived it. Isaac knew that this offering they were about to make required the shedding of blood. He knew that this was the way in which man was to approach God. He knew there was no other way to be accepted by God apart from the shedding of blood.

Like Abraham, we need to not only teach the truth, but live it. We need to show others how important the Lord is to us by the way we live. We need to pass on to our children how much we love and value our relationship with God. Our living is our greatest teaching tool. God blesses those who live out what they believe consistently in their lives.

Oh but that we would be like Abraham. Oh but that we would all have such a love for God that we would be willing to give Him our all, no matter how much it may hurt us to do so. Do you love the Lord your God more than anyone or anything else in life? Do you? Are you willing to let the Lord test your love? When was the last time you laid your all on the altar before God and gave it to Him?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021




Gen. 15:6 And Abraham believed the LORD, and the LORD declared him righteous because of his faith. NLT

We are counted as righteous before God because of faith and not works. We cannot make it to heaven because of anything we can do. To believe is not a mental exercise; it is a life we live. Saving faith is taking literally what God says about us and our need for salvation through Christ and embracing it for our own. We turn to Christ for forgiveness and then we act forgiven. We strive to forsake the sin that separated us from God. We set our path on submission and obedience to Christ, willing to turn our back on sinful thoughts and practices.

Many profess to be saved because of what they believe about Jesus, but it’s simply not enough. We must give Jesus permission to change us. We must let Him take away our sin and live like we mean it. God does not mess around with sin and neither should we.

Righteousness is living by what is right in God’s eyes, not our own eyes. There is a huge difference between the two. We tend to compare ourselves to others and feel good that we are better than many. On the other hand, God compares us to His Word and sees us in need. When we realize just how far short of God’s perfect law we live, we have no other recourse but to live in Christ and take on His righteousness for He alone has perfectly lived a righteous life before God.

Righteousness is gained by faith and not by works. It is rooted in Christ and not man. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for your salvation and you will be saved and declared righteous before God.

Monday, March 8, 2021




Gen. 11:5-6 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. “Look!” he said. “If they can accomplish this when they have just begun to take advantage of their common language and political unity, just think of what they will do later. Nothing will be impossible for them!” NLT

United we can do great things, confused we scatter. There is an important lesson here for the Church. There are so many different church bodies under the umbrella of the Church. Each body seeks to do its own thing. We give lip service to our unity. We major in our differences instead of on Christ who unites us. We limit our exposure to each other and seldom work together for the common good of Christ. We are reluctant to have fellowship with each other out of fear of the effect it may have on our relationship with Christ.

The Church is divided and the effectiveness of reaching the world for Christ is weak. We may have some degree of success, but nothing like what it would be like if we were to work together for Jesus’ sake and glory. There is strength in unity. There is much more creativeness in our thinking and the pool of our giftedness is much deeper. There are so many benefits that we deprive ourselves of when each part of the body works independently from the whole.

If we want the Lord to come down and do a mighty work amongst us, we need to be one in heart before the Lord. We need to humble ourselves before Him and together desire to work for His glory. We need to be a people after His own heart, united together at the foot of the cross.

We need to keep our relationship with the Lord pure and wherever possible be as one for the sake of Christ’s witness in the Church and world. Christ unites, not divides, the Church under His lordship.

Granted, there are church bodies who have wandered so far away from Biblical truth that we can’t have a common fellowship or ministry with them. However, there are many church bodies that we should be having fellowship and ministry with that we don’t because they don’t label themselves like we do for ourselves.

Let us seek to work together for the cause and glory of Christ in the world today.

Sunday, March 7, 2021




Gen. 8:20-21 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and sacrificed on it the animals and birds that had been approved for that purpose. And the LORD was pleased with the sacrifice and said to himself, “I will never again curse the earth, destroying all living things, even though people’s thoughts and actions are bent toward evil from childhood.” NLT

Why was the Lord pleased with Noah’s offering? He offered up as a sacrifice those animals that the Lord had approved of for that purpose. Noah knew what pleased the Lord and he did it. He could have chosen any of the multitudes of animals on the ark for his sacrifice, but he didn’t. He chose to obey the Lord all the way. Why do you suppose his heart was so set on total obedience to the Lord?

God had taken notice of Noah’s heart before the flood. Of all the people on earth He was pleased with Noah’s faithfulness. God spared Noah’s life because his life was right with God. Not only did God save Noah’s life, He spared the lives of his family. Can you imagine how much gratitude Noah must have had at that time of his life? God protected him from certain destruction. And not only that, He spared the lives of those who were most dear to his heart.

God enabled Noah to do that which was seemingly impossible. He built the Ark. Scripture doesn’t tell us how much help he had, if any. The Ark was an imposing and impressive project. It was larger than anything else ever built at the time. It was built with much great sacrifice. Think about the massive amount of lumber and materials it took. Consider the amount of time and effort which were put into this project.

The Ark was built at the expense of much mockery. I am sure that no one could ever figure out what the Ark was going to be used for. It had to be built on land and because of its size it could not be moved. So here was this massive boat being built sitting on land. What good was it except to look at? Why would anyone build such a thing? What a waste of time, money, and energy! Had Noah gone mad?

With the help God provided, Noah built the ark. He had done what seemed like the impossible to do. How it must have blessed Noah’s heart to know that with God all things are truly possible! And when the Ark was done, the animals ushered in, the door was shut, the rains came, and the Ark floated without any leaks. Noah had plenty of time on the Ark to think about these things and how the Lord had shown kindness to him. Is it any wonder that Noah did what was pleasing to the Lord in the offering he offered up to Him? The Lord was pleased with Noah and promised to never again purge the world of its population with the rains, even though He knew the heart of man and how it was prone to wander from Him.

May we too reflect on God’s goodness and kindness towards us and offer up to Him sacrifices that are pleasing to Him. The sacrifice that pleases God is the sacrifice of a heart totally yielded to Him, a heart that obeys God completely whether it makes sense at the time or not, a heart that trusts God to know what is best in all He gives us to do.

Saturday, March 6, 2021




Gen. 6:5-6 Now the LORD observed the extent of the people’s wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart. NLT

The Lord is not blind to the evil in the world and in the hearts of people. He sees it all and it grieves His heart. I know He knows what is going on in the world and in the hearts of people. He knows how bad things are and how bad it is going to get. He knows what makes people the way they are, what they think, and the desires of their hearts to do evil. It grieves His heart over what man has become.

Man was created for fellowship with God. But because of sin, most people cannot have fellowship with Him. God longs for our fellowship, but because of sin, He is deprived of it. He knows the devastating destructiveness of sin. He knows that because of sin many will never have fellowship with Him. He knows that all who live in sin cannot live with Him and will be cast into hell. He loves all mankind and it grieves Him to know that most will be doomed to hell for eternity. I can understand how there would be sorrow in the heart of God. Yet, God is able to overshadow His sorrow with the joy of knowing those who are saved. His focus is on His children, not those who aren’t.

Is sin that big of a deal? Does it really matter when we sin against God? It certainly does to God. We should take seriously the matter of sin in our lives. Don’t put your head in the sand and ignore the importance of keeping your heart pure before God. The way we live is a life or death matter for our souls. Don’t make God sorry He created you. Don’t give Him cause to have a broken heart.

The Lord, our God, is holy in heart and He can only have fellowship with those who are likewise holy. The only way sinful man can change his sinful heart to a holy heart is through Calvary. Jesus died to take away our sin and make our hearts holy. As long as you stay connected to Christ, God can have fellowship with you.

Friday, March 5, 2021


Gen. 4:6-7 “Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked him. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out! Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, and you must subdue it.” NLT

Why do we get angry at God? People are quick to blame God for whatever is wrong in their lives, as if it is God’s duty to make sure that everything runs smoothly with no trouble or sorrow. Somehow we have gotten the idea that God exists to make heaven on earth, that He is at our beckon and call to make sure that it happens. We are quick to accept and relish the good of life, but have a problem accepting the bad. Somehow it’s God’s fault and He is duty-bound to fix it.

What we refuse to accept is that God is in control and His rule over life is governed by His holiness. God will never act outside of His holiness. He will never intervene in our lives to do good when there is sin lurking at the door. He never has, and He never will, condone sin in any way, shape, or form. He will not bless those who live in sin. He will allow suffering and troubles in this life as long as people allow Satan in their lives. We can’t have it both ways. This is not heaven; it is Satan’s turf, hell on earth. We live in a world that constantly reaps the consequences of sin. It will not change as long as God delays His coming to cleanse the world.

God does not promise to isolate us from sin’s consequences. He insulates those who trust in Him, but does not keep us from experiencing the consequences of living in a sinful world. So, don’t get angry and blame God for whatever troubles may come your way. Instead, live humbly before God. Make sure that sin does not lurk at the door of your heart. Stay true to the Lord always and refuse to let sin drive you away from God. God never promises to keep us away from troubled times, but He always promises to be with us and help us as we walk through them.

The right thing to do is to always strive to do what is right in God’s eyes.

Thursday, March 4, 2021




Gen. 3:22 Then the LORD God said, “The people have become as we are, knowing everything, both good and evil. What if they eat the fruit of the tree of life? Then they will live forever.” NLT

There is mercy with the Lord. God had explicitly forbidden Adam and Eve from eating of the tree of good and evil. When they listened to Satan and ate of the fruit of the tree, they broke their covenant relationship with God. They were now sinners and would bear the consequences of their sin.

God had also planted the tree of life in the Garden. If man were to eat of the fruit of that tree, he would live forever. Because God loved man, He spared him from living forever under the curse of their sin. He banished man from the Garden and put angels around it to prevent man from returning to it. He lovingly protected man from an eternal life of sin.

God also provided man with a way to get rid of his sin. God does not want anyone to die in their sin so He sent Jesus to come and be our Savior. The soul of man is eternal spirit. Everyone will live on after they die. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and live for Him, we live on in heaven with Him. If we reject Jesus and die in our sin, we live on without Him in eternal hellfire.

Wherever we end up spending eternity, it will be by choice. God dignifies man by letting man choose where he will spend eternity. He has made himself known to us and we will be judged on the basis of our knowledge of Him. Our lives are a reflection of our choice. We can either live for the pleasures of earth or the pleasures of heaven. Choose carefully whom you will serve. If you make the wrong choice, you will have eternity to think about it.