Eph. 4:11-13 He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the
apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their
responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church,
the body of Christ, until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of
God’s Son that we will be mature and full-grown in the Lord, measuring up to
the full stature of Christ. NLT
The Lord calls and
equips leaders in the Church for the purpose of building up the church in faith
and unity. Every church leader should be
a disciple-maker. There should be no
conflict of purpose. It is God’s desire
that every believer grows into maturity of faith and He selects certain
disciples to lead the way.
The responsibility God
places on church leaders is to equip God’s people to be workers in the
Kingdom. It is their task to build up
the body of Christ. They are to unite
the body around Christ so that as one they will be Christ in the flesh in the
Sadly, there is way
too much tearing down rather than building up of the body of Christ. There are those in leadership who have
personal agendas rather than Christ’s.
Some assume leadership without maturity of faith and do not have the
understanding to avoid error in teaching.
Some leaders lack maturity of faith and are prone to be reactive rather
than overcomers in the tough times of church life. Some live lives that disqualify them from
leadership roles. Many need leading
instead of trying to lead others. Some leaders
are leaders because of being popular with man without the direction or approval
of Christ.
Church leaders will
either make or break the church’s witness in the community they serve in. They will impact lives either for or against
faith in Christ. Leaders should be
proven faith walkers and examples to be followed because of their godly lives.
In order for the body
of Christ to grow and become strong in faith and witness, she needs to be
discerning about whom she allows to lead her.
There should never be a question concerning the calling of God on her
leaders. There should never be a
question concerning their ability to lead others into spiritual maturity; they
should always lead others to Christ and not away from Him. There should never be a question about the
way the faith they teach and proclaim affects their living. People learn how to live by faith from those
who are living the faith. There should
never be a question about where their loyalties lie; the Lord must always be
first in their lives.
If you are a church
leader, live up to your calling; lead with integrity of heart and faith
always. If you are not a church leader,
pray faithfully for those who are.
Without prayer support, no one can lead effectively or
Prayer should be the
shield surrounding every leader in the church.